
Perfect Endnig

Hearing the meeting with Quinn's brother didn't go well Anastasia's fecal expression changed to one that expressed she was sorry. She'd prayed that if Quinn and his brother met things would go ok. She was sad to know it was much less than that.

"Don't under estimate God Quinn. Sometimes we need to walk away, before we can see the whole picture and take a moment to look, and understand."

Anastasia gives a soft smile even though Quinn said he was going to be leaving now. A look of sadness seemed to pass through her eyes and hear own heart seemed a little heavy. So the fairytale would end here. It really was sad when she felt like she really had found something special, but God had to lead right and maybe somewhere there paths would cross again?

Feeling something else tug at her heart Anastasia looks over to the office door where she new her Uncle was. He'd been in there almost all day going over paper work, she was sure he'd let her go on her break now.

"Would you like to have some late lunch? I haven't eaten yet and it would be the perfect ending, though I wish it wouldn't, to a fairytale."

As Axel opens the door Ryan takes note to his blood shot eyes, and his red face. This was more than being sick. There was something wrong and it was written all over his face. Ryan couldn't help it that her heart started to race not knowing what wrong wrong.

Axel's silent invitation was known and Jess steps in letting the door fall shut behind her. He'd always been there for her the least she could do was be there for him now too. His was one of her close friends She couldn't not care about him and what was going on.

"You're brother...!"

Ryan couldn't help but be a little surprise to hear of his brother. She new enough of Axel and his background to understand the tension that was there. Overcoming her shock as quick as she could though Ryan continues to listen to Axel. His voice was so strain and it was so strange to see him like this. Thought it would never go out of this room, this would be between them.

Stepping closer to leaning against the counter Ryan is quiet for a moment thinking. The past coming back was something she understood though a different situation.

"Sometimes we need to really face out nightmares for them to be gone. It's certainly not easy for sure but for a nightmare to truly to be over its a must."

Silent again Ryan thinks again for a moment playing with a napkin that was on the counter. She always thought she did horrible in the comfort department but the best thing for that was just be herself right?

"I'm really sorry thing's didn't go so good with your brother. I wish you guys could of talked better. There wasn't even an inch of room for things to be better?"

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