
One down one to go...

Letting Erik take a listen Jackie puts her own headset back on. Letting it play once more and shifting some buttons to add and take away things. Make some stuff sound stronger, and backing some off a little so everything would be in balance together.

Once the part she was working on was done playing a few times through she takes her headset off only to be met with Erik's observation. A grin forms on her face and she gives a little shake of her head. It was stuff she already new, but she was happy Erik noticed it to so in a way before they even saw what had been done, at least one person had comfermed what she was doing was ok.

"I don't know if I want you listing anymore, you make me feel like I don't know what I am doing here."

Jackie gives a laugh and smiles her eyes giving a little twinkle a sure sign she was joking and not offended by Erik's forwardness at all. Ambition was good, and it was something everyone needed.

"Once we are gone, it's going to sound perfect or pretty darn close. I think you all do well, and in some areas need to improve but all in all, you guys are all doing well."

Karla gives a laugh and looks to Kip before looking back to Twila and than back around the room. She wondered if maybe everyone was to busy to notice. Wayne was gone, Jackie and Erik seemed to be talking about something. Kyle and Alice were wrapped up in themselves and she was sure Twila could keep Theo busy.

"Maybe if we got some for everyone they wouldn't be to upset in noticing we were missing."

Karla gives a little elbow to Kip maybe getting out and walking around would wake both of them up a little bit. It had been a long day already and from the sound of it not even half over.

"I bet if we go now we would be in the clear. Not to mention it would be a little fun being a little dangerous."

Sapphire laughs again as Gage gets into the car. It was nice to see him awake thats for sure, but odd at the same time. It had become normal for him to be half asleep when they were together.

Leaning into the kiss Sapphire returns to continue once Gage pulls away just letting the moment linger even longer. She loved showing affection to Gage and getting it from her to it really made her feel good.

"Mmm...well we can grab something to eat than we can go see a movie, play mini golf, or lazer tag, or we can just have a nice dinner. What sounds like something fun to you? I am kind a up for all four ideas."

Watching Eli turn back to the stove Ryan wondered if he really had forgotten or not. But she didn't bother pushing it. If Eli didn't talk about it anymore than he wouldn't, maybe a little later they could start the conversation again.

"Alright I'll go see what the movies are, and maybe call Leo at the same time. I'll be back to help set the table."

Wondering into the other room Ryan pulls out her cell and dials Leo's number as she looks through the movies her brother had picked up. Hearing Leo's voice answer on the other line Ryan gives a little smile.

"Hey Leo, Sorry I missed your call before. I just wanted to call back and say thanks. I'm sorry I yelled at you yesterday too. I should of found a better way to express myself. Thanks for calling though."

Picking one of the thrillers Eli had rented Ryan starts back into the other room holding up the movie. The conversation shouldn't last long with Leo and than she's help get the plates, and whatever else they needed.

Ryan was happy Leo had called and it made everything half ok. Now she only needed Alec to call, but it had taken this long already maybe...he wasn't going to? Ryan didn't know and that made her a little sad still.

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