
Not Scared

Standing in Reese office Destiny looks out the small window. It had been a few days now since everything went down. Destiny was still not herself the dark cloud hanging over her heart and following her around. They hadn't seen hide or hair of the Agency and Destiny just want to move on with life, get out of that safe house and not be reminded of everything.

Her hands absentmindedly going to the chain around her neck her fingers running over the curves and shapes. She could leave, but she'd always remember...Chance plagued her mind now.

"I think its safe for me to go now Reese. We haven't seen any sigh of the Agency in days and I can't keep taking up anymore of your men's time. I'll be alright, and if I even think the Agency is close again I'll call you."

Destiny turns from the window and comes back to one of the chairs in Reese office. Her eye held dark circles under them that maybe sleep was filled with nightmares. Destiny's shoulders just not as high. Her spirit, her heart they had been broken and where the peaces were she hardly even new.

But life had to move on even if she had to force herself. Time didn't stop and Destiny couldn't take have to keep Jason there anymore when he should be out with his girl. Alone...once feared....seemed so welcoming now.

Hearing everything Axel said Jess gives a small nod so she was listing. Axel had told her the store of his brother once before well letting her know what had happened in his past. But still now she didn't mind he told her again. She new it was hard for him but she was there to comfort him.

Once he was done talking Jess thinks for a moment little a silence settle again. She didn't know exactly how Axel felt because though she had her problems and things she delt with it was much different from this. But hearing the pain in his voice was enough to show anyone how they were feeling.

"I'm sorry all that happened with the person closest to you. I can only imagine how much it must have hurt."

Shifting a little on the couch Jess turns so she was no looking at Axel her arm resting across him and up on his chest playing with the logo on the shirt. Looking up at him again it was easy to read her own emotion that she was sorry he felt this way.

"Axel, you brother was wearing the matching dogtags to yours. It has to mean something that all this time, after everything he still kept them close to him. Maybe the past is in the past, and he came to tell you he was sorry."

Silent again for a moment Jess lets out a small sigh searching for the right words in her own mind.

"I can't even imagine how you feel Axel, but I know you always do what is smart, or the right thing. If you do want to call your brother I can give you the number and I wont leave you to face it alone because your not anymore. But if you don't want to call him I can toss the baby and I wont think anything less of you. Maybe at least hearing him out or why he is here though wouldn't be a bad thing.

Ah so Quinn was only passing thought.Where he came from, where he was going, or how long he really was still staying was still a mystery. But maybe it was that mystery that drew her to him.

Having her how thought process stopped by the sound of a very bad Elvis Anastasia turns her head slightly to see how was on the stage. Not knowing who they were she turns back to Quinn giving her head a little bit of a shake. Looking down at her own drink she cringes a little.

"Oy, at least the pop is good."

Catching the comment about doing better than the guy up there Anastasia now had a peaked interest of what Quinn did sound like up there and a smile curls on her lips.

"Why don't you get up there and show me how much better than him you are. You not scared of crowds are you?"

Anastasia was a teasing jeer yet a question herself she didn't know. Not to mention just to get Elvis off the stage there would be great. Her eyes look into Quinn's dancing with his the sparkle glitters.

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