
Knockout redhead

Alec gives a little smirk along with a slight shake of his head while listening to Trey. Anyone who actually liked getting into trouble had something wrong in the head - he spoke like someone with a chip on their shoulder who was too big for his britches. The thrill of the chase was one thing, but actually being in trouble? Alec would have to be careful around this guy - he might like pulling a few fast ones himself, but he wasn't in a position to get into any more trouble than he already was.

"Yeah, I'm Alec," he answers a bit tersely. He still thought he'd seen Trey somewhere, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Maybe even though this wasn't Agency stuff, they'd had their eye on him for some reason and maybe Alec had seen a file or something.

About the trade of entertainment, he shrugs. "Sounds alright to me. And as for Ty - just watch your step with him. If he doesn't think he can trust you, he won't buy into anything. He and I got more of a... working relationship. You want something, you might wanna pass it along through me, least until he gets the idea whether you're okay or not."

Turning to throw his tennis ball at the wall, then catch it as it flies back to him, he stops and looks at Trey again, once more sizing him up. Maybe it was something about his eyes that was familiar. "Unfortunately, around here, you draw more flies with honey than vinegar." That wasn't to say that Alec didn't put up a fight all the time, but once stuck in a position like this, he was catching on pretty quickly now what it took to actually get on Reese's good side and get out of here.

He might as well give the new guy some pointers - there was nothing else to do. "Watch your mouth and they won't watch you as closely. And while you're at it, avoid Katie - she's the knockout redhead - and Jason - tall guy, dark hair. They can make life miserable, worse than Reese if you get too close."

Eli snickers and grabs two fries, wedging them up under his upper lip so they hung down like fangs. "You mean like this?"

His speech along makes them start to slide, and as they do, his laughter makes it all the harder to keep the fries in place. Letting them drop back to his plate, he shakes his head and wipes his eyes with the back of his hand as tears of laughter form. "Yeah, those were good times."

He laughs again then takes another bite of steak before it got cold. They did have good family memories, even if things had later fallen apart. With their dad gone and John in prison, it did tend to put a damper on things. But at least Eli and Ryan had each other... for the moment.

Eli stops chewing, seeming to grow very quiet for a moment before finally gesturing to the television again and picking the pace back up. "C'mon, Homeless Gary, get 'er rolling."

Gage's grin goes from ear to ear as Sapphire helps him at the next hole. Checking the distance, his smile goes from silly to sly, his eyes narrowing slightly. Waiting several moments, he putts softly, watching the ball as it makes a beeline for the hole, across the little bridge and straight to the windmill where it falls right into the hiding cup.

There was a definite advantage to Agency training when it came to aim, even if Gage hadn't used that skill behind a golf club before.

Glancing over his shoulder at Sapphire, he looks away quickly, trying to hide his silly smile.

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