
If I can, You can!

Dalton sits in the chair unmoving continuing to watch Scott, and listen to his words. His expression didn't change much other than to show he was listen and new what Scott said. But he did not hold a look of anger or irritation for Scott in the least bit.

Watching as Scott took a bit of his toast inside Dalton was nodding to himself. It was a start if anything that Scott took that bit, its was the most food Dalton had seen him eat in a long time.

"You do have a place Scott. Your place is at home with your friends, and if you ever wanted to go back TJY, and if you don't want to go back there than you could get a job else where. You do fit in with you friends family, and with Hope. Its a continues road we walk down finding new things."

Thinking for a second again Dalton finally looks away and down at his large hands for a moment. In a way he new how Scott felt with not fitting in. Maybe thats why they seemed to get along so well. Both of them were different, outcast maybe some would say, but accepted.

"It's not easy for me to fit in either Scott. I have a hard time with my size and my scars. People see me and they want to run the other way because of how I look. Finding the right place, finding the right place is never easy Scott, but when you find them in the end it's an amazing feeling and you've felt it before. All hope Scott is not lost, and if a big Hulk of a guy like me can do it. So can you!"

Giving a chuckle at the dogs Beth brings her feel up onto the couch folding them under her, her plate resting on the arm rest. Taking a fry and dragging it through some ketchup Beth gievs a smile happy to know Justin liked it.


Standing the movie Beth continues the meal as the movie starts to play. At the funny parts she smiled, and laughed a little but a little was better than nothing.

Sitting quietly at one of the tables at Mom and Pop's Jess was content with her sandwich as she was already reading a book. Today was a slow day no work for her, but Axel was working so to pass the time she deiced to come here and grab something to eat and just hang out.

Not paying much attachen to what was going on around her Jess doesn't notice the man who had squatted down in front of her until he'd been there for a little bit. Lowing the book and giving a little jump Jess hands automatically go to the dog tages she was wearing. She's never left without them knowing how important they were to Axel and now how important they were to her.

Moving back just a little bit Jess couldn't help but be a little nervous at the man's presence. She didn't know who he was and his behavior was just a little strange to her. Was he someone she new once? Someone she'd ripped off? Jess wracked her brain coming up with nothing. Maybe if she just told him he'd go away.

"My boyfriend gave them to me."

Looking over the mans shoulder for a moment Jess saw Carson coming over. She new this guy was not threatening but he still made her nervous being so close to her anyways. What did he want from her? She couldn't help the little bit of cerousity.

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