

Walking up the walkway like to many times before Beth stops at the little bench that had become her's and Justin. Looking around and not seeing him in sight at all she can't help but hope everything was ok. She wanted to talk to him and ask him to dinner, and maybe a movie tonight if he'd like. She was ready to take the next step...it was hard, she was scared, but she was ready.

Not knowing if he had missed Justin or not Beth figures at least a phone call would be sure to get through to him. Dialing his number and getting his voice mail Beth almost guessed thats what she would get.

"Hey Justin, its Beth. I was wondering if you didn't have anything to do tonight if you would...like to come over for dinner and maybe a movie. I...was making you favorite pie again too. Let me know, thanks."

Hanging up the phone Beth makes her way into the hospital to see Sarah like she had many times before. Maybe today she would take her out to the gardens or make had a picnic. It was a nice day out and Beth would hate it if Sarah was cooped inside for it.

Sitting continuing to listen to the music and hear Scott's works Dalton new he must be awfully tired of hearing everyone tell him it was ok, and that he had to get better. Right after his own parents death He'd hated when people told him that all the time too.

Hearing about Scott's vision of him as a cheerleader all Dalton can do it look at his friend and blink for a few moments. Seeing the smile that forms on Scott's lips and hearing the chuckles that start to come out of him Dalton perks up a little bit as a smile comes to his own lips and a chuckle comes out as he jumps up. Lifting his arms in the air.

"Give me an S....give me a C....give me a O....give me a T...give me another T...whats that spell? My little Buddy."

Sinking down in the chair for a moment Dalton has a look of confusion on his face as his spelling and what it ment.

"Ok, so I am not as graceful as I would like to think. but I can try again if you want!"

Dalton starts to laugh again happy to see Scott smiling. If nothing else that alone made him feel like his mission was accomplished.

Hearing Jason's question Destiny gives a little sigh not really wanting to talk but not really having that option. She might as well attempt to maybe it would help her feel a little better but she doubted it.

"Yeah Dogs are ok. You have a dog?"

As Alec leans in and kiss her lips softly Ryan returns the kiss. It was softer than she was use to but filled with just as much passion and for once Ryan didn't mind it. The light tenderness of his embrace was nice and seemed to fit the moment. Not something Ryan would always want but it was a nice change, and a good feeling to see this lighter side of Alec.

As Alec pulls away a little Ryan keeps her arms around him. She had to get going back to work even if she didn't want to. Maybe they could meet up later though. Feeling his hands slide down her and lock with her own Ryan give them a little squeeze as she looks up into Alec's eyes.

Hearing about Alec's apartment a bigger smile spreads on Ryan's face as her eyes dance, and sparkle. Squeeze Alec's hands a little tighter it was easy to see how excited she was for him.

"You finally got your own apartment? Oh Alec....I am so excited for you...wow. What made Reese decide that one? Yes I will totally come over tonight, I'll even bring some pizza and wings too."

Sitting in the hospetil waiting room Hope sits quiet keeping her eyes down. They were tired and sunken in today had been a bad day on top of being worried. She hadn't been feeling worse over the last few months but she hadn't been feeling better either, The cancer seemed to be growing still at a very slow rate and the Dr's were worried they would have to do surgery after all.

Today she was here to talk over options and get a white blood cell transplant, but her mind was not on that today. Today she was thinking about Scott and how much she missed him. She hoped he was doing ok, and still getting better. Mostly her days were filled with working a few hours, coming home and playing with Domino before getting to tired and going to bed for an hour or so, but not a day passed she didn't think of Scott and miss just a little more.

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