

Once Axel is rejoined with Ryan, he lets her know what he's been working on, and shows her where he needs an extra set of hands. Working for a while, he's quiet... even quieter than normal. Though dropping a wrench twice and struggling with a hose that was simple proved his mind was very far away from this task.

Eventually he grows frustrated enough that coming up from the engine, he shakes his head. "This brute doesn't have to be done until tomorrow anyway... I think I'm gonna call it a day."

It was unusual that he would quit before anyone else, but he sets aside his tools, proving that he did intend to stop for the day. "If Darrel complains, send him to me. It'll just add to this fantastic day I've had."

Leaning on the tool bench and staring down at nothing, he knows that it wasn't like him to be sarcastic like that and it didn't feel good, but everything inside was so upside down at the moment, that he didn't even know how to react to anything.

Turning to look at Ryan, his mouth opens, as if to say something, but then he shakes his head, changing his mind. "Sorry. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Mom and Pop's... no, Quinn recognized that name and he wasn't about to go back there and tangle with the cook. "Karaoke, huh?" He lifts an eyebrow in interest. That scene sounded like an easy one to blend into... just fade away from eyes for a while. Races didn't interest him, nor did the prospect of hanging out at a bar. "That sounds like it might be what I need tonight."

Still sifting through records, he lifts his head and looks over to Anastasia at her last comment. A thin smile tugs on his lips and his eyes show a little twinkle. "Not fair, huh? You're the one walking around with a name badge. If I did that, somebody would think I worked here too and I guarantee you'd lose customers."

Still grinning, he goes back to the records and returns to the Ricky Nelson one that had drawn his attention in the first place. He needed to go, but he would probably be back before he left town, so he could look around in here some more. Pulling out the album, he nods. "Can't pass it up."

Wandering to the counter to check out, he pays with cash. "So I'm going to need directions to that cafe... and while you're at it, I'm also looking for the Super 8 that I apparently missed and have been wandering around trying to find." His eyes roam Anastasia's face again as a grin toys with just the very corner of his mouth. "Help a poor, lost soul and I might be back for another record before I leave town."

Justin smiles and shakes his head. "You've given me plenty. Thank you."

Chuckling softly, he watches Beth. "The zoo is a fun place to go. When I was a kid, I could wander around there for hours."

Remaining seated as Beth takes the dishes and returns, his mind wanders several directions, deciding which one might be best to take, or seeing that neither mattered. He was getting a little sleepy though.

Leaning his head on the cushion, the peace he seemed to emit does not leave. "I should probably get going, Beth. If I don't, I'm liable to fall asleep here." He grins. "If you want company for that trip to the zoo though, let me know, alright?"

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