
De Vinchi

Dalton gives another chuckle as he takes a bit of his food but keeping an eye on Scott as well seeing it really was that hard for him to eat. Dalton couldn't help but wonder if he didn't like eating because the food just didn't taste good anymore, or if it was because his brain told him not to.

"Ya know...it does kinda look like art. Hulk Johnson De Vinchi, thats who made it. They could feature it up there with the Mona Lisa!"

Dalton gives a nod before reaching down into his pocket and pulling out a can of mountain dew and a little bag of Jerky. Leaning forward a little and leaning Scott's way as if looking to see if someone was coming into the room Dalton finally sits up and looks to Scott. Setting the open can on the try, along with the open bag of jerky.

"Thats not healthy for you but it sure it a lot more appealing than applesauce and toast. Don't eat it to fast though or you will get sick."

Dalton gives a smile knowing that one was probably different to Scott now. Someone telling him not to eat fast. Hey at least it was a change up.

As Justin follows Beth into the kitchen she takes a glass and gets some water along with a little ice. Hanging it to Justin and giving a small smile. It felt odd to have someone in her home for the first time, but at the same time it was kind of nice being able to cook for someone else too. It was a new feeling but it was a good one.

Hearing Justin think her place wasn't to mess made her relax a tiny bit. To her it wasn't very clean but than thinking about his house a laugh escapes her lips as she shakes her head a little bit.

"You should wasn't....that....bad? Your poor mom, she just wants you happy."

Turning back to the stove Beth flips the burgers. Her back to Justin she talks a little louder so he could hear her.

"I figured everyone likes burgers and frys so it was the safest thing to make. They are home made too so they should taste a little better as well."

Putting the top back on the pan so the burgers could continue to cook Beth opens the oven to check on the pie and french frys. Closing it again Beth comes over to the counter across from where Justin was standing and grabs some plates along with forks and knives.

"I picked Clue for us to watch. It's a funny movie and one I haven't seen in a while. I hope thats ok with you."

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