

Ryan's destination had been the lake and sitting on the hood of her car looking at the stars was what she choose to cool herself down. Tonight had started out so well and than ended so bad. She hadn't meant to get so angry but she'd just had enough. Dealing with this day in and day out it had gotten tiring.

Thinking more a tear ran down Ryan's cheek her mind wondering, Her frustration just taking over and coming out in sobs. Would Leo still want to be her friend, was Alec upset she exploded? Ryan didn't know but she wouldn't be the first to call this time.

The minutes turn into hours and Ryan was soon on her way home after calming down. Entering the house and knowing it was empty in a way she was happy her face still having trails of tears. Going to her room and than the bathroom Ryan cleans up before heading in her room again turning her little tv on.

Hearing a noise Ryan turns down the volume for a moment knowing it was Eli coming inside. Waiting to see if he knocked or not Ryan waited but hearing nothing Ryan turns the tv up again.

A few moments later she exits her room heading to the kitchen. It had been a long night and her throat was now dry. Maybe a little water would help. Stopping by Eli's door for a moment Ryan wondered if he was now sleeping or not. Not bothering to knock she just heads to the kitchen.

Giving a smile to Justin Beth gives a nod. It made her feel good he said yes. She always wondered what was in those boxes but having someone else to help would be nice.

"Thats great. Thank...thank you Justin."

Continuing to look through the movies Nikki finally finds one she new they would both like and pops it into the DVD player before going to the couch and sitting down. Looking over at Pete she smiles.

"Make yourself comfortable. Did you want me to warm up your meal for you?"

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