
Still okay

Bret tries not to let his worry show - the worry he felt every time he saw Charlotte in pain. He grins a little. "Luck? Us? I think that all belongs to you. All I have to do is pace and worry while you do all the work."

Getting to the hospital felt like an eternity, but really it had only taken a few minutes. Helping Charlotte out of the car, Bret grabs the bag in one arm and lets her hang onto his other arm for the slow walk to the doors. Once inside, he knows they'll be separated for a little while but he's sure to give her a kiss and a whisper of "I love you" in her ear.

Seeing his sister pull up, Eli stands, brushing off his jeans. Sliding into the passenger side, he goes for the seatbelt and gestures down the street before answering her. "My bike's at the Bullseye."

Leaning back, he mulls over Ryan's question for a moment. "I stopped there for a beer was all. Wound up finding Leo... drunk as a skunk." He gives Ryan a sidelong glance, wondering if she'd think it was as odd as he did. "Didn't want him wrecking his car I guess, so I drove him back here and dumped him in his living room. Only problem was I needed to get back to my bike. So... here we are."

He looks down and picks at some dirt under his fingernail. "He went on about some girl and you but nothing made much sense so I don't know what his problem is."

Scott sits bolt upright in bed, the sweat pouring down his face. It was a horridly familiar feeling that came all too often. His heart racing, his hands grip the bedsheets as his gaze shoots wildly around the room before he can convince himself that he's safe at Brookshire.

Flopping back down onto his pillow, he covers his face with his hands as he cringes, trying to hold back the tears. The nightmares were the worst. Reliving those moments was more torture than anything else, and each time there was something new... something he'd successfully forgotten that he was now forced to remember.

Tonight he had relived the threats... the threats that if he didn't talk that his friends and family would be murdered. Then his dream had fast forwarded to him receiving word that indeed, they were dead. His close friends. Those at TJY. And his sister.

Scott shutters, trying to rid his mind of the images but it was never easy. His stomach was in knots as he thought about it and he could not calm his heart. It was still a dream, right? It was the past, wasn't it? Everybody really was okay, right?

Swallowing hard, Scott turns to see the phone by his bed. Reaching out with trembling hand, he picks it up. Hesitating, he sets it back down. He was being irrational. He picks it up again. Sets it down. But the knots in his gut remain. So picking up the phone one more time, he finally brings himself to dial. It was three in the morning and he wasn't surprised when he got the answering machine. "Saph... Sapphire? I... I just... I wanted to make sure you were... um.... make sure you were okay."

He runs a hand over his face and leans back in his pillow, closing his eyes tightly. "They... they told me you'd been mur...murdered. And they..." He stops, trying to remain composed, though his voice cracks. "They told me how it was done and the torture..." They'd been quite descriptive. "All because... because of me. And... and I... I just um..." He pauses again, now not even sure it was such a good idea for him to have called her in the middle of the night. "...wanted to know you were still okay."

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