
Pretty lady

Grinning a little, Pete ambles behind Trey, using the remote on his keys to unlock the car. Once in and started, he puts the roof down and dons his sun glasses, making sure Trey's got his seatbelt on before peeling out of the parking lot.

Heading down through town, he barely makes several red lights - perhaps they were orange as he went through the intersections. Radio on and wind blowing, he doesn't force conversation but just drives, heading for the quick little diner that had good fast breakfasts.

Parking diagonally on the curb, Pete cuts the engine. A pretty lady walks past and he tilts his head, looking over his sunglasses for a moment as his eyes follow her. Turning to Trey, he gives him a crooked grin before hopping over the convertible door. "Come on. Food here's good."

Getting inside, he hangs his sunglasses from his shirt and slides into a small booth near the window. "Grab a menu... breakfast stuff is good but sometimes I'm ornery and have them make me a hamburger or something instead."

Turning quickly to Beth, Justin grins and shakes his head. "Nope - haven't been waiting at all. I was just gonna go back and sit down, so you're fine."

Letting the dogs hop up into the truck behind the front seats, he shuts the passenger door. "Well, if you're ready, I'll lead the way. It's about an hour's drive, but the scenery is nice."

It doesn't take long to get out on the road and Justin leads, keeping a constant watch in his mirrors to make sure he didn't lose Beth. It wasn't too hard though - there weren't too many turns and traffic was light. It doesn't seem like an hour has passed by the time he pulls off onto the back roads and eventually winds back to his lane. Driving slowly, he tries to avoid some of the ruts and muses that some of the overhanging trees should be trimmed sometime.

Finally getting to the little clearing with his house, he parks on the gravel patch that used to look more like a driveway, but was now overgrown with grass. Getting out, he motions to Beth that she could park anywhere. Then letting the dogs out, they bound into the yard, growling and playing with each other, obviously happy to be home and knowing they were off duty now.

Waiting for Beth, Justin smiles and doesn't rush - he knew this was new to her and didn't want to push too much. It was her timing that was important, not his.

Leading the way inside, he lets Beth in but leaves the door open for now, just letting the screen door stay shut. Danitza and Zora obediently remain outside. Tossing his keys aside, Justin remains very casual. "Welcome to the living room. Sorry for the mess." It really wasn't messy - just a bit cluttered but not dirty. Shoes were here and there, his sad looking plants drooped near the window and the couch cushions weren't quite straight, but overall it wasn't bad.

"Make yourself at home," he offers as he wanders to the kitchen. "Don't know about you, but I'm hungry." He opens the refrigerator and peers in, scanning what he had. "I got stuff for salads... subs... got stuff to drink... want anything?"

Alec immediately starts the new task, glad to just have something to do. Hearing Dalton's comment, he grins a little too. "What - hacking into systems? Yeah."

Staring at the screen, he types and looks for where he needed to go. "Pity for the good guys that they have weaker walls than the bad guys. You'd think it would be the other way around. Can't tell you how much stuff the Agency has gotten from TJY before when no one was looking."

Ryder sighs, but returns a squeeze to Thirteen's hand. "Yeah. I know." Though his tone was irritated, there was something else behind his eyes that he usually kept well-hidden: worry. This was about as bad as he'd had it and it wasn't fun. "I just hate this place."

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