

Looking up as Reese comes into his office he eyes him and than eyes Alec too before going back at Reese. Hearing what he said about stopping everything and finding out who was doing the hacking

"Ok Boss, I had been looking into it a little bit already but I'll put all my energy twords that right now."

Giving a nod to Reese and than one to Alec Dalton cringes a little bit at the mention to not letting Alec leave. Watching as Reese leaves Dalton turns his chair and looks at Alec for a moment giving a little shrug.

"Well...ok than...ummm...get on that computer there and there is a few files open already. I want you to look through and see what stuff has been tampered with. Each file should have a check mark by it and ones that were touched by someone other than who is not authorized will have a little red X. I want to see if there is a pattern with them."

Turning back to his own computer Dalton goes to work on his own stuff to pin point where the hacks were coming from, and how long they had been going on.

Hearing Axel's voice Ryan look up after finishing the last bit of paper work. Shifting it all together and getting it in a pile Ryan trys to give a little smile though she looked a little tired.

"Ron does worry to much, but yes I'm ok. Just a little tired, a little stressed out, but I am ok. Just dealing with Boyfriend, friend drama...nothing to pressing."

Ryan smiles to Axel again thankful for his friendship to at least ask her if she was ok. It made her feel good to know he was always looking out for her and makes sure she was ok on her quiet days.

"Thank you for asking Axel it means a lot."

Giving a thoughtful smile Cassy really didnt want them lunch to end. It was nice sitting and talking with Leo, and knowing there relationship was growing was even more of a good reason to want to stay.

"Yeah I do have to be heading back. I have three more class this afternoon."

Taking a sip of her water and giving a throughful sigh. She wanted to spend more time with Leo and she wondered if many he wanted to a little later.

"Maybe later we can get together again and watch a movie or something?"

"Mmmm...maybe dinner and a movie tonight sounds good to me! Maybe I could give you a nice back rub tonight too."

Aerith gives a small laugh as she turns a little and grabs a to go cup putting the drink in it that Wyatt wanted before handing it to him and the straw.

"Here you go love, and its even on the house today. I got it for ya. You better get back to work before the chef wonders if you ran off."

Aerith's eyes twinkles she loved when Wyatt came to see her and it was always sad when he had to go, but it made seeing him the next time even better.

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