

Continuing to hold Alec Ryan's eyes don't break from his. Hearing his words Ryan could feel the chills fun up and down her spine. The words he spoke just gave her tings all over, his soft breath just brushing across her ear. She could feel her hands tighten just a little more around his hair before letting loose.

"I think...the water just boiled and I melted."

Ryan's eyes continue to rome his face as he looks down she takes her hands from the back of his neck and lets her finger tips run down his neck and his arms and than up again both her hands on ether side of his face. Wrapping her legs around his wast Ryan lets her lips brush over his before making there way to his cheek and than down to his neck just place a few small kiss there before letting kiss up and coming to his lips again. There were words she wanted to say but was she ready?

Just letting her lips brush him before pressing them again letting her passion flow once more. She felt warm, and tingly, full of life, and she wanted to shair that with Alec through her kiss.

Not taking to long in the bathroom and throwing fresh water on her face Destiny hits in the bathroom for a long moment just looking in the mirror. Taking a few deep breaths she does her best to stay calm.

Finally getting it together Destiny comes out of the bathroom and heads to the kitchen again. Doing her best to give a smile she wonders over by Chance.

"So, what kind of tea would you like? Normal or a flavor today?"

Destiny did what she to keep smiling, its all she really could do. Maybe later they could watch a movie as another detraction.

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