
Maybe hidden meaning

Putting her arms around Alec's neck Ryan smile was one that said she was happy, she was even maybe...falling than one would think for Alec. Just letting his passion wash over her and returning her own. Feeling his hand come to her face and gently brush the water from her eyes Ryan leans her head into his hand her eyes connecting with his. Hearing his comment Ryan opens her eyes again and gives a small chuckle.

About to say something else Ryan stops as Alec returns for another kiss and pulls her closer to him. Tightening her own grip to keep herself close to him and he to her Ryan lets her passion run free again just returning to Alec what he had given to her.

Breath a little heavy as Alec pulls away Ryan rests her forehead against his. The smile still bright on her face, and the fire still strong in her eyes. Today was a day like no other. No one new where they were, they were really free for today.

Letting her hands creep up Alec's neck Ryan lets her fingers run through his hair. Her own eyes not leaving his again even with the sounds of others around them her attchen was not moved for him.

"They can stair at the steam all they want wont bother me any. Anyways if they stair its only because they are jealous I've got someone as hott as you to boil the water with me and create steam."

Looking up from his desk as Justin knows on the door than enters Dalton gives him a short nod to at least be semi nice to him. Hearing his comment Dalton wants to make a come back but holds his toung. It really wasn't worth it and if he want Reese on his case again it was just better than way.

"Morning you too!"

Glancing down at the nameplates Justin layed on the desk Dalton could feel his heart start to pick up a few beats. Did this mean Scott really would be back? Dalton didn't want to hope to much he just wanted what was best for his little friend. Reaching out and taking the plates he puts them over on Scott's desk before looking to Justin again and giving a nod.

"I will probably go see him the day after tomorrow, so that sounds good to me. Thanks for returning these to there home."

It was the first time Dalton had ever thanked Justin but it just seemed right. Even if his tone was little rough he was being honest with his thanks to Justin and maybe there was a small hidden meaning behind it too.

Sitting quietly on the bench in the park Angelica sipped her own coffee. Some people would think she was crazy for drinking hot liquid on a hot day, but she was happy Reese was doing it with her. Coffee was just something she liked no matter the temperature.

Tightening her fingers around Reese Angelica turns her head to him and gives a smile. It was nice to be away from the cramped office, and out in the fresh air with Reese. Even if no words were spoken it was still nice and she felt comfortable.

"Its nice to get out, and just be free of everything. I'm happy you there to make the offers too or I probably never would do it on my own."

Burying her head deeper into Chance's chest Destiny continues to sob, her hands clenching his shirt. His warm arms around her sheltered her and made her feel safe. She was thankful Chance was there for her and was helping her through this time.

Hearing him reassure her in a few days they would go to her parents graves Destiny gave a little nod of her head. He went out of his way to make sure she was comfortable and to help her in this time, it just made her care for him that much more.

"I'd like it....if we could do it just you and me....I...I just want it to be over and life to start again."

Continuing to just let her tears fall Destiny had to let it out. It had been a long time coming and this just proved to be an open door for more than just what had happened at the funeral.

After a few long moments Destiny's tears start to slow till they stop. Tears streak her face but she felt a little better than she had a little while before this crying episode. Pulling away from Chance a little and looking up at him Desinty gives a small smile. She felt a little embarrassed but new if Chance had minded he would of said something.

"Sorry about that...I guess...I just needed it. I'm going to go wash my face up and than...I'll come make the tea."

Bringing her good hand down to his hand Destiny gives it a squeeze before letting it go and going to wash up before lunch.

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