
Make it quick

Hearing the phone ring Dalton picks it up. Today had been a pretty good day and his spirits were up though he kept to himself in his office not really wanting to interact lately with anyone unless they needed something. He liked the quiet it was always nice, and it made his time with Dani even nicer.

Hearing the voice on the other end and the Echo from out in the hall Dalton lets out a log sigh as his tone turned a little irritated. Why couldn't Justin just leave him alone? Maybe this was about Scott, and he wanted to help his friend but there was just something about Justin that rubbed him the wrong way.

"Your already outside my office you might as well come in. Just make it quick I've got stuff to do."

Hanging up the phone Dalton minimizes the program he was working on and folds his hands on his desk waiting for Justin to enter.

Looking up at Reese a smile forms on Angelica's face. He always seemed to have perfect timing and made her feel better when she needed it the most. He was truly a special man and she was happy to have him around.

"I think that sounds like a good plan."

Closing the folder on her desk Angelica's eyes grew soft as she looked at Reese. Standing from her desk and taking her purse Angelica comes over close to Reese. She new, he new she was worried and she was thankful anyways he would give the detraction she needed for a little bit.

Leaning into him a little and giving him a soft kiss on the lips she pulls away running her hand down his arm.

"Thank you!"

As Chance wraps his arms around her Destiny leans back a little just letting his comfort wash over her. His arms, his warmth so inviting it just felt nice to be held in his strong arms. Bringing her good hand to his she locks her fingers with his before leaning her head on his arm. Not being able to hold how she felt in the tears fall from her eyes.

"I couldn't even give my parents a good barrel. Killed by the Agency, and there furnarel runed by them too. It just feels so unfinished Chance."

Falling silent again for a moment Destiny sucks in a few breaths of air as she sobs quietly. Its hurt so much inside even if she thought she was doing ok and getting over everything now it just seemed to be ripped open again once more.

"The stole my parents from me. They ruined there late rest, they were two good people and deserved better than this. Why Chance...why?! They already stole two very important people from my life...why can't they just leave me alone!"

Just feeling Alec lean on her Ryan felt so comfortable even if they were in the water. It was peaceful and nice just letting the water surrounded them.

Though the moment was broken quickly as Ryan is thrown from Alec's back landing with a splash in the water. Standing up quickly and whipping the water from her eyes. Looking at him again and hearing his comment she shakes her her, her mouth turning into a crooked grin. Giving a little jump and doing a shallow dive into the water Ryan swims out farther where Alec was coming up again and tredding the water.

"I'll boil you if ya don't watch it."

Going under the water again Ryan swims twords Alec and gives a little tug on his feet before coming up behind him and giving a big splash in his direction. It was fun just being care free and acting for the moment not thinking about what they were doing but just doing it.

"I think..."

Ryan gives a little chuckle that starts to grow even if she tryed to hide it.

"...you have a little seaweed on your head."

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