
Invisible attack

You were kissing some girl...?

Pete reads his IM, his eyes narrowing slightly. But before he can type back to Jason, he's beaned in the head with the paper wad. Lifting his face, he slowly turns to see nothing, but he knows good and well that it had been Katie. Her muffled giggle proves it.

He still doesn't respond though, and still the only sound is the quiet clicking of computer keys.

It wasn't until several minutes later that Jason experiences sharp pricks, feeling almost like bug bites. The physical sensations take a ride on the emotional stream to the only one who would feel exactly what he did it. A sharp prick to the arm... then a leg... then a shoulder... then the back of the neck.. then the arm again. A person would think they were being attacked by invisible mosquitoes.

Alec cocks his head a little, studying Misty as if trying to figure out if she meant what she was saying. Did she really like having him around? That seemed a little far-fetched. But her eyes weren't lying. And was she really right about Ryan caring?

Dropping his gaze, he suddenly feels something strange. He'd known Ryan liked him at all but... but to maybe realize that people cared about him... wanted him around... it was different. It was... uncomfortable for some reason. It made him feel vulnerable.

He shifts his weight a little, mulling over his choices before he looks back up at Misty. Maybe he really could talk to Reese... and maybe he could call Ryan too and try to figure out how bad the damage was.

Instead of arguing further, a little grin upturns just the very corner of his mouth. "You're all right."

It was the opportune time to leave now. He was fixed up, Misty had work to do, and he should go talk to Reese. But for some reason he stays seated on the table. Heat crept up the back of his neck and he could feel an odd squeamish feeling in his stomach. But he wanted to ask. "Carson and Dani... they don't think much of me, do they?"

"Mmm, me too." Phil nods. "I like rainy weather... but not when I'm going to the lake." He grins and turns on the radio to find some good music for the rest of the ride.

Eventually getting to the lake, Phil parks near a spot where a tree was closeby on the grass, near where the beach started. Getting out first, he comes around to help Rayne and carry the food so she didn't have to worry about struggling with one arm.

Having brought an old blanket, its spread on the ground and soon they're seated in a nice shady place, far from anyone else who was around. It was a lovely view out onto the lake.

"Perfect spot," Phil muses, leaning back against the tree. He really did feel comfortable. For as short a time he'd known Rayne, he was enjoying her company immensely.

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