

Holding on tight to Chance with her good arm Destiny looks up at him. Her eyes still held the bit of sadness in them, but she hoped after being able to say goodbye to her parents the right way would help her to heal as well. Chance had been nice enough to alone her to come let along be the one to suggest it.

"Yeah, I'm as best can I can be right now...considering."

Coming closer to the graves Destiny stands still holding onto Chance till they were in front of them. Looking down at the graves her knees felt week but she let go of Chance and sinking to the ground. Tears rolled down her cheeks but it wasn't as bad at the first time. Just crying she let it out as she talked softly under her breath saying her goodbyes. It was hard, but it was something that had to be done.

Finally after a few moments go by and finally Destiny rocks on her heels for a moment before turning to Chance. Taking his hand she pulls him a little closer leaning into him.

"Chance, these are my parents. They would of loved you because your so kind, and your keeping me safe. Thats all they ever wanted and why they wanted out. "

Leaning her head on his arm Destiny lets a few more tears out and than a long sniff so nothing got on Chance. Letting out a sigh next to follow the sobs. Standing up again she looks up at Chance and gives a small smile the best she can anyways.

"I think I'm ready to go now. Thank you Chance!"

Hearing a knock at the door Cassy holds the cup of her tea in her hand her feel scuffing on the floor. It was early still and only an hour before she needed to be to work though she wondered who would be at the door.

Opening it and seeing Leo Cassy instintly takes note to his swollen face, and cuts and bruises. Feeling her heart race Cassy opens the door even more.

"Leo...come in. Good heavens what happened? Are you ok? Do you need to see a Dr or anything?"

Ushing Leo inside Cassy was worried something was really wrong since she hadn't seen him all weekend and now he showed up all busted up.

Exiting her room Ryan's work shirt was still unbuttoned her tank showing under neath showing her just started getting ready for work. Heading into the kitchen to get some coffee she new her brother started making. Seeing she was right and grabbing a cup she pours it before coming over to the table and sitting down. Taking a sip of her hot drink and letting the warm liquid slide down before looking to her brother.

"Did they both make it home ok? No one died?"

Ryan was still upset about yesterday but not at her brother anymore. That anger had faded quickly. Now she just wanted to know they were ok. The rest if they ever talked to her again would come.

Enjoying the meal together Nikki felt like time had never passed and they were kids again. It felt so good to just sit here and enjoy the movie and eat with her friend. Getting so comfortable she new the movie was coming to an end even if she didn't want to.

Scooting closer to Pete Nikki lens on his legs like she had so many times before while watching movies in the past. It just seemed to fit now and it was comfortable even if the movie ended soon.Looking up at Pete she smiles and just holds it taking ni that he was really back.

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