
For one day...

As the hussle starts Jackie takes a step back letting Wayne take control for a moment as she just sized the band up. Just taking them in and gaining a lot from just observing, and watching. She always liked to do that before she said anymore more to bands. Getting a feel for them by not saying anything at all was something that helped Jackie a lot in her work.

Following Wayn to the table Jackie holds the smile on her face. As Erik bumps into on mistake Jackie looks to him and gives a little nod.

"Its quite alright. It's a small room and this is a big group. The bigger the better though, just...don't do it again."

Jackie gives a little wink to Erik before remembering her paper work and going into the other room only to return once again and take her seat. Opening the folder she looks over her notes for a moment before looking up at the group again, not speaking to just one of them but letting her eyes move over them all and not singling anyone out.

"First I want to start out meeting out by saying we are thrilled to have you guys here again and get to know each of you. Our studio is small and sometimes it might feel like things are not moving, but I assure you it is moving. Wayne and I both will be walking through this with you guys each step of the way."

Giving a nod a nod and a smile Jackie's eyes fall to Erik for a moment seeming to linger longer than they had on anyone else. She had seen a lot of good looking guys come in and out of this place, but something about Erik was different to her. Relizing maybe she was looking at him a little longer than she should Jackie clears her throat and looks back to Kyle than the others too.

"We want you guy to be yourself and not try to change what makes you guys you. A lot of other places out there try and change music make it better, change the sound but we want to take what you guys already have and just bring it to life. It's important to us than you be true to the music in your hearts."

Hearing Alec was ready Ryan leaves the house with him quietly closing the door behind her. Eli was still sleeping and the last thing she wanted to do was wake him as she was heading out.

Getting to the car and getting in Alec's question did not go unheard as she put the keys in the ignition and starts up the car heading down the road and in the direction of the beach. She had been to that ice cream shop a few times and she liked it. It was a tiny place, but sometimes that was better than the big fancy ones.

"I've been there a few times and I liked it a lot. All there ice cream is home made so its tasts a lot better than the stuff you buy from the store because its fresh."

Giving a glance over at Alec at a stop light Ryan reaches over with her free hand and takes his inter locking there fingers together. Though Ryan was rough and tumble, walking in and out of danger, deep down she still had those soft moments when she just liked things to be as they were.

"So for one day we get to run away. The world is ours, and the time will mostly likely tick to fast so I think we should make the best of it while we can."

Revving her engine a little bit Ryan takes off down the street heading out of town and going a little faster than normally in town she did. Though this was outside of town it really didn't matter. The sooner they got to the lake the sooner the fun started. On the way back though the drive would be slower as she new already she wouldn't want the day to end.

Morning had come way to early for Beth and it seemed like it was just going to be one of those days. Couldn't sleep, than got up late, her hair wouldn't not work with her today so left down and slightly damp was how it would stay. At least she made it here in one peace, and it would be just her luck maybe she had missed Justin seeing Scott already.

Coming up the walkway and seeing Justin a small smile forms on her lips before it was gone again. She hadn't missed him, at least that was a good thing.

"I was running late today. I thought for sure you would be in with your friend already. Happy your not though."

Sitting down for a moment on the bench next to Justin Beth gives a small sigh before turning a little to look at him better. Just studying him for a long moment she finally looks away studying the people who walks to and fro on the nice day.

"I made the fish last night the same way you said you liked doing it. It tasted pretty good, I liked it. No dogs today or any other crazy get up? You sure your feelin alright?"

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