
A drag

With the call ended, Justin puts the phone back and fishes around for his wallet and keys. Though he was used to staying up late, he normally didn't leave the house at this hour so it takes him just a few minutes to make sure he had what he needed and could leave whatever else the way it was until he got back.

Making sure both dogs are still chained up in the yard, he heads to the truck. It takes only two tries to get it started this time, and he heads across the country back roads before finally making it to the highway.

Arriving at Eddie's. he parks in the almost-deserted parking lot. He recognizes Beth's car though, so picks a space next to hers. Wandering inside, he spots her at the table and smiles with a short wave. Seeing she had her coffee, he holds up one finger to signal he'd be right there, and he heads to the counter first.

"Hey, Justin." The man at the counter smiles, recognizing his customer.

Justin nods. "Hey."

"You're out late tonight."

"Yeah, you know me." Justin scans the menu, thinking.

"What'll it be tonight? Your regular?"

"Naw... I need something with a little more zip to it tonight." Justin normally went for straight coffee with a bit of cream, but tonight he did need to perk up a little more.

Once he has his drink, he heads over to the table where Beth was waiting. Offering her another smile, he eases down across from her. Resting his elbows on the table, he cocks his head, studying her face with a gentle, understanding gaze. "Late night lonelies are really a drag, aren't they?"

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