
Better than Flour

Beth lets a chuckle slip from her lips at the mention to her pie being better than his moms. It just seemed to hit a funny bone. Beth was happy though that he liked it. It made her feel good.

"I don't bake often and I am use to my own cooking so its nice to hear someone else say it was good so I really know it was."

Taking the small container from Justin Beth looks down at it for a long moment before looking up at Justin again. She felt a little more comfortable today than she had in past of seeing him. Maybe going out to the fishing spot with Justin had helped more than Beth admitted and that was where the comfort came from now.

"I hope your friend will like playing frisbee with you. Its a nice day out for it, for sure. I think it might rain a little later though, not that I'll complain. I like the rain."

Watching Alec for a long moment Ryan just watches him as he stands there wondering if everything was ok. Seeing the look in his eyes though she knows all is ok, and than seeing him take his shoes and socks off she gives a little grin.

Reaching down Ryan takes her own sandles off and holds them. Coming over to Alec Ryan gives a small laugh as the warm sand moves over her own feet. The warmth was nice, and the tingling sensation that ran through her foot made her smile grow a little more.

"This might be more fun than playing in flour. It's warm, and thingly."

Using her foot Ryan playful kicks a little sand at Alec hitting him in the leg. Giving a laugh she did it again the playful look just sparkling in her eye. This was new and seeing Alec hadn't done it before made Ryan feel good she got to be the first one to expectancy it.

"If we go down to the water the sand is even softer and feels mushy. Its an ok feeling as long as no seaweed is there."

Sitting next to Kyle Alice gives thoughtful nods as she listens to everything being said. She new a little bit about business and deals working with the paper she had gone through it alot. Most of what was being said sounded good to her. She was so excited for everyone and was happy she would be the one reporting on it all.

Giving a glance at Kyle and catching his eyes she gives a smile and a nod "I love you." Was her silent whisper. Her own excitement so clean in her eyes.

Being added in everything and having Wayne look to her and talk about her being the manager made Karla feel good. She felt useful and not just dead weight. It was nice to be wanted, and included into something so important.

Looking to Kip she beams brightly. She felt so good right now, almost on top of the world and she didn't even play that magor of a part she could only imagen how the others must be feeling.

Turning her attachen to Wayne as he talks Jackie just lets him take over for a moment. They had been teamed up for quite some time now and they worked well together. Both had there strong points, and when work needed to be done it was. Jackie liked working with Wayne even if he goofed off sometimes. It was a nice partnership and she couldn't have asked for anything better.

As Wayne continues to talk Jackie pass out some paper work that each person would have to fill out. It was normal work stuff, along with a few others things that were added in like not selling music to another company unless through them and so on. They didn't want to be the only ones for the band but they wanted to make sure other people didn't try to take advantage of them ether.

Once Wayne was done talking Jackie took a sip from her water bottle before starting to talk again herself not going to fast, or jumping from one thing to the next.

"We will probably want to start recording a CD in a day or two just to get things moving. It will only be a soft copy for now just to get the feel for it and what not, but than when you guys feel comfortable we can do the real deal. This can go as slow or as fast as you guys want as long as your comfortable."

Looking around the table again continuing to smile Jackie's air was professional, yet the twinkle that lit her eyes really showed she enjoyed what she did her and her excitement for her work. It was something she liked from the start and seeing other rise to the top was an accomplishment she loved.

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