

Pete is a little startled by Nikki taking his hand, but he doesn't withdraw. He can feel heat coming to his face and it wasn't just the sun. Searching her eyes for a moment, he finally opts to look at the lake again, lest she see how red his face is. Slowly though, his fingers curl around hers in a strong, gentle grasp.

Watching the sun sink lower and lower, Pete's heart seemed to pick up its pace. What were these awkward feelings he was getting and why? Nikki was an old pal... and he hadn't seen her in years... hadn't thought about her very often the last few years either, thinking he'd never see her again. He'd had a few girlfriends here and there - though nothing was ever too serious - but he'd never thought of Nikki in that light before. Was he now? Or was it just the good feelings of seeing her again? She was attractive no doubt - even more so than she used to be, though Pete wouldn't say so. But wasn't this happening way too fast? Then again, what was "this" anyway?

The sun disappears below the tree line, leaving the sky a glowing orange that was quickly fading. High in the sky, a few stars had started to pop up and the moon was visible now, but seeming to be so very far away.

"Well..." Pete clears his throat. "I guess that's that." Should he let go of her hand? Wait for her to let go first? Being awkward around a woman was something he was definitely not used to and it causes him to lapse into silence again, not knowing what was supposed to happen now. He guessed she needed to be taken back to her car, but he really wasn't looking forward to a lame night of dull television. But he didn't want to suggest anything that would make Nikki uncomfortable, or tired for that matter, since she'd just gotten into town.

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