

Finishing the race and getting out of the car Ryan's grin grows as she see her brother and Scarlet coming over. It felt good to win and believe it or not it felt good having it be a close race. She liked the competition and the though of someone else almost betting her. It kept the thrill of the race alive.

As Alec pulls her into the kiss Ryan automatically wraps her arms around him and returns the kiss. Her grin bright slinging her arm around Alec and turning to see her brother.

Seeing Leo Ryan gives a wave beckon him to come closer she wanted to shair the spot light with him too. He was on of her friends and she didn't want it any other way.

"Leo you made it, I'm glad."

Being interrupted by her brother and the though of celebration Ryan gives a nod and a whoop of her own. Sounded like a plan to her and having her friends and one extra sounded like a good time to her.

Turning to head back into her car Ryan stops when she hears Alec's comment about just going back to her place. About to reply she stops once again as Leo jumps in. Just standing there for a moment as words are throw back and forth Ryan trys to get a word in but it fails.

"Guys...come on...stop...Guys..."

Feeling frustrated Ryan gives a jump as the first swing is thrown and she can feel her own temper rise. Starting forward to stop them Ryan is stop by her brother throwing a look up at him. So she was to stand here and watch them beat the crap out of them? There was nothing else she could do but sit and watch them.

A few times she looks away ignoring all the cheering going on around her. This was insane, crazy, and just down right wrong and she hated it.

Finally as both men are on the ground both panting and seeming to be tired Ryan brakes from her brother arm and steps twords both of them. Putting her hands on her hips she lets out a growl as she looks down at them her anger written all over her face.

"Stop this right now! Both of you need to grow up!"

Ryan points at Alec first.

"You, I maybe your girlfriend but that dosnt mean you order me around. I'll see who I want when I want and hang out with my friend when I darn well feel and if your gonna try and start a fight when them every time than you can stay home."

Turning to Leo Ryan's eye had become red from anger. She was tired of this, tired of walking on egg shells, and having to worry about who was going to start a fight with who.

"And You, You need to get your head out of your butt and move on before life pass you completely by. Alec is my boyfriend and you have to deal with it. Stop trying to start a fight every time you are around him. Stop being misrible when there is no need for you. You got a girl who likes you and wants to be more than friend. Stop being a scared little boy and sease the opportunity before it pass you by. Sooner or later there is gonna be no one to blame but yourself so build a bridge and get over."

Ryan lets out a long huff as she looks to her brother, than Alec, and Leo once again. Her eyes going between both of them.

"I don't care if you both don't like each other thats fine but you need to learn to co exists with each other. So when you have it figured out and can do that let me know because until than I am sick of the fighting and childish behavior.
I want my friends and love ones around to enjoy and have fun with not to have to babysit and walk eggshells around."

Ryan's eyes burned with fire and everything that had been pent up inside. She wanted her friends to get along and for to long now they hadnt taking it out on each other at her exspence.

Turning from the group and not caring how many people were around Ryan stalks away shooting a look at her brother first. She was going away, she needed to clear her head and didn't want anyone around. If he could give Alec a ride home that would be great.

Getting into her car Ryan pulls out of where she was parked with a squeal of her tires not looking back even once. A dust cloud was left of her anger, and as it settled she was gone.

Seeing Pete hold out and take a hold of her hand for a shake Carol gives a shake of her head and a little laugh. Using Pete's hand to help her up she takes a few steps forward letting go and wrapping her arms around him.

"Peter, did you really think I'd like you get away with just a hand shake. After all the times you have been here your like a son to me."

Letting go and taking a few steps back Carol takes the cane from the table and slowly hobbles twords the sink. Not wasting a moment Nikki was at her side helping her to the sink.

Turning twords her daughter and than Pete she gives a smile.

"She has turned into a lovely woman. I'm so happy you guys could meet up again. It was always a pleasure to have you in the house Peter, and to hear you make My Nikki laugh."

Going into a coughing fit Carol leans over the sink a little trying to catch her breath. Nikki was close at her side rubbing her back and making sure she was ok.

"Nikki go enjoy time with your friend. I'm fine I'm fine you worry to much...She worrys to much Peter, maybe you can help keep her mind busy."

Nikki gives a sigh and shakes her head still smiling at her mother. The woman was full of pride, but so humble at the same time making sure not to rune any ones good time.

"Ok Ma we will be in the living room if you need anything ok?"

Carol gives a nod as she looks to her daughter and brings a hand to the side of her face.

"Alright dear, I'm probably going to be heading to bed soon. Peter you can stay as long as you like."

Giving another smile and moving away from her mother she walks twords Pete again. Nodding twords the living room she new he new the way and followed. Going over to the TV rack she squats down in front and looks through the movies like she always did as a kid.

"Ok so what will it be today..classic, funny, horror?"

Thinking about Justin's words Beth had fallen quiet again. Just thinking deeply about his words. They made sense to her and her understood. In a way knowing that Justin too has lost someone made her feel like she could connect with him just a little more.

"Maybe sometime would you like to come over to my house and look through the boxes of pictures with me? I never dared look at them, and maybe....doing it alone wouldn't be so hard, and it might help too."

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