
Always nice

Nikki grins at the comment of not surprising a guy like she had. Giving a small chuckle she was going to say more but stops as he wraps his arms around her wast and pulls her on top of him. All she can do is give a little giggle as she looks down into his eyes.

Feeling his lips against hers again so soft, and much different Nikki's eyes drift shut wrapping her arms underneath him pulling him close to her, and just soaking in this moment. She certainly had not intended this to happen, but how she felt she could not look past it. He made, her heart race, and warm and tingly, it was a feeling she'd been searching for but never found till now.

As the kiss ends the smile spread on Nikki's lips again as she searches Pete's face. Was this to fast? She'd known Pete for a long time, but this was different now, this was more than a friendship, what was this and would something really come out of it?

"Wow...that was....amazing."

Not really sure what else to say Nikki comes back to Pete's lips and brushes them softly before moving her head and turning it the other way and returning for another kiss. Letting it start slow and soft, but with all the feeling she could. She didn't know what Pete though or if he even felt the same. She thought he did, but it just seemed words right now wouldn't come and the only expression was the kissing.

"Mmmm...grilled steak that sounds great."

Giving a smile a little wave Ryan was thankful for her brother and his willingness to be there for her. She was happy they had been rekindled it was like they never left, and to know he was there, it was a good feeling.

"I'll pick up some more beer on my way home, and something to go with the steak."

Cassy smile grows leading Leo into the kitchen again. Going to the one of the draws she pulls out a soft cloth and runs it under some water. Bringing it to Leo's lip she press it there gently knowing it probably hurt, but would stop the bleeding.

"Yeah I do have to go to the studio for a few hours and work on some stuff. I have one afternoon class too at eleven too. Your more than welcome to come with me, and if not than we can meet for lunch at noon."

Cassy did want to spend some more time with Leo, and she hoped he would agree to lunch. This was the start to something new, something she had been waiting for. They were going to walk through this together, no matter how slow of fast they wanted but the good news was...they were together now.

"I'm happy you did come to see me Leo, and I don't think your a bother at all. Your always more than welcome to come along with me. I know you like dancing just as much as I do and an extra pare of strong hands is nice."

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