
Wash and dry

The corner of Chance's mouth upturns a little. Yes, he'd wanted some time alone, if anything just to sort through and figure out how to justify kissing. But he didn't want to make Destiny feel badly. She was one strong, gutsy woman. But tonight, Chance had seen her need... her need for compassion... care... affection. He figured it existed in every woman somewhere, and tonight, for some reason, he'd seen it in her, full-blossom for the first time. And it had done something to him. And that, was what struck a strange cord of fear in him.

Forcing a smile to the surface, he shakes his head. "Come on... I'll wash and you can dry." He picks up his cup of tea as well and wanders to the kitchen, starting to run the hot water and putting the stopper in the drain. Looking out the back window, there wasn't a whole lot to see with the reflections in the way, but there were quiet town lights. It reminded him a little of home.

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