
Text Message

Ryan can't help but laugh again as her brother takes the pictures. This was defiantly a memories worth having not to mention Scarlet couldn't miss out on it. Pictures were better than nothing.

"This is going to be great, totally priceless. He sure will learn not to mess with a McKade, or anyone we care about."

Taking another look at the car and letting her brother snap more pictures Ryan places the tarp over the car again. It didn't even look like the same car anymore except for the license plate that was Roth's trade mark.

Pulling out her cell phone she gives a smerk to her brother. Ryan had given Alec one of her old phones to barrow so she didn't have to go through TJY lines whenever she wanted to talk to him.

"I'll text him and see what he says about coming out tonight."

Hey Hot stuff, Eli and I were wondering if you were gonna make it tonight. Have some stuff we could use an extra pare of hands on and were hopping that would be you. Let me know...ttyl ~*~Ry~*~

Ryan new her message was a little cryptic but Alec would understand. That way if anyone happened to intercept it that wouldn't know what was going on.

"Ok, its sent now I just need to wait for a reply. Are we finished here or do we have more to do? You've deprived me of lunch and now I am starving."

Laying in a grassy spot by the lake Katie's head rested in Jason's lap as the soft breeze blew. Lunch had of been good and now just a little time to relax was even better. Turning her head to look at Jason just a little Katie smile her eyes twinkling in the sun.

"So I was thinking about taking a few days vacation time and maybe going out to the ranch just to see everyone. I though maybe you would like to come too. Seeing your mom would be nice and maybe having dinner with her even better since Wes was gone. What do you think?"

Katie new Jason liked seeing his mom and she liked seeing her family too. Not to mention she had been missing them a little with the nice weather coming. If Jason would come too it would be all to perfect but she wasn't sure if he wanted to or not.

Laying in one lounge chairs by the pool after swimming for at least an hour now Destiny was just relaxing and soaking up some sun. Her eyes closed but far from sleeping her mind was just traveling from one thing to the next. Tomorrow, tonight, The Agency, what would happen when this was all over.

Moving her head a little and opening one eye to look at Chance she gives a smile before reaching out and giving his arm a little push.

"Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for this. Its nice to free my mind even if its just for a little bit."

She was thankful for it, and thought it was pretty nice of Chance to get her mind off things. Not many people would of thought of that, but he had.

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