
Shadow of the past

"I never said I was better off alone because I had a full plate. I was simply stating I don't have time for anything else. Not that I keep myself alone because of all that I handle, but sometimes alone is best anyways because anything else has been forgotten."

Taking another bit of the apple Beth really didn't want anymore but it seemed to be there so eating it slowly and listen to Justin she takes in his words. Understanding what he was saying, and wondering about some of it. Letting it sink in a tiny bit she new it hit home, but at the same time it was as if someone through water on a flame they were gone, only the stinging feeling remaining.

Seeing Justin stand Beth does the same shifting a little she throws the core of the apple into the garbage can next to the bench.

"My sister suffers in silence ever day, I'd never think my pain is the greater than hers. But I do know one wants to share my life ether because its a dark road covered in shadows of the past, that no matter how I try to look around them I can. So I end up hurting people more than if I simply kept them at bay."

Taking in Justin's last statement Beth gives a small nod. She new what he ment but it and she did live, as normal of a life as she could. She didn't feel lonely and she didn't feel alone, she just moved through her day the best she could.

"Have a good afternoon Justin, and...see you tomorrow."

Justin had come the closest to her than many had dared. She'd let him see her when she blocked other out. He was different, why she told him the things she did Beth wasn't sure but she found herself looking forward to seeing him each day. Maybe...just maybe she was finding the will to let someone in, though it would take some times, a very long time maybe this was the start.

Thought the subject still seemed a little touchy and the pain could be clear in her eyes Destiny did her best to smile and give a nod to Jason. If anyone else was going to be her bodyguard she'd want it to be Jason for sure.

"It puts my mind at ease knowing your there Jason and I wouldn't want anyone else. Thank you!"

She meant it too. In a way Jason was her hero, he'd been there the first day and kept her safe when the Agency attacked alone with Alec. She'd seen him in action and new he new what he was doing. Destiny was happy Reese picked him.

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