
One fish, Two fish

Sitting comfortable on a couch in the rec room with Sarah Beth holds a book and reads to her. It was only a Dr. Seuss book but she looked so content just reading to her.

"One fish, two fish....red fish, blue fish. There is no yellow fish though. They diffidently should have put in a yellow fish don't you think?"

Giving a smile is was a real genuine smile. Beth could read the same book over and over again every day and she wouldn't mind. Being with her sister was something she loved, and being able to just let her listen to her voice so Sarah new she wasn't alone Beth wanted nothing more.

Feeling someone watching them Beth looks up and to the door. Seeing Justin she knows he was done with Scott and that meant they would be going to the pond now. It was always hard to say good bye to Sarah but there was always the promise of seeing her tomorrow.

"I just need to bring Sarah back to her room. Than I'll be ready."

Standing Beth helps her sister up and walks slowly to the door with her. The look on Sarah's face was blank like normal. The life once found in the girls eyes had been whipped out, and no movement caught them, no wonder of the new people entered. But non the less Beth stops in front of Justin and gives a small smile as she holds her sister hand.

"Sarah, this is my new friend Justin. Justin this is my sister Sarah."

Giving a laugh and putting her arm in return around Chance's wast Destiny leans into him. She couldn't help but find humor in the face that Toby kept Chance busy. Ether he was good at doing more than one thing or Toby really did dislike him and want him to quit.

"Mmmmm...I a hot shower and than snuggle with you to watch a movie sounds like a perfect ending to a great day."

Getting into the SUV Destiny waits for Chance to join her before she buckles up and slips her sandles off just while she sits in the car. Leaning her head back to rest against the seat Destiny lets out a small content sigh. The day had been a good distraction.

"You get to pick the movie this time though, I got to last time."

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