
Not a question

Crossing her arms over her stomach as Dr. Hawks and Justin talk Beth's eyes going back and forth between them as they talked. She felt sick herself knowing something was wrong with Justin was the serous and yes he would not see anyone about it. But staying off to the side Beth says nothing as it wasn't her place.

Hearing Dr. Hawks question Beth gives a small nod of her head. She has nothing else to do till about later tonight when she went to work anyways.

"Yeah thats no problem. Come on Justin, I'll drive ya."

Starting to walk twords her car Beth stops turning to look at Justin again. Raising an eyebrow she shakes her head a little. Coming back over to him she throws his arm over her shoulder as she trys to help him walk stably.

"It wasn't a question I'm taking you and if you don't come than I wont ever talk to you again. I don't like associating with people who know they need help and wont get it."

Beth new her voice was maybe a little more rough than normal but its how she felt. Since her parents died she didn't take kindly to people who needed medical help but refused to get it when the outcome of that action was death.

Slowly opening her eyes Rayne could feel someone watching her though she doesn't look twords the door right away. Letting her eyes get use to the dimly lit room she still felt groggy and like she had been run over by a truck.

Finally moving her head slowly to the side twords the door her eyes catch Phil. She didn't know who he was but she remembered his face as he pulled her from her car. He has saved her life, and that was something she would be thankful for always.

Giving a little smile to Phil Rayne's voice was soft, but loud enough he could hear her as he stood by the door. A Russian accent accompany her words as she spoke.

"My hero, thank you for taking the time to stop and get me out of the car, and for coming to make sure I was ok. It's nice to know I got at least one visitor."

Rayne's eyes weren't sad with her comment only tired from everything she had been though along with the twinkle that she really was thankful Phil had saved her. It was a good feeling to know that there were still come people out there willing to help others.

"Mmm...I guess...that explains why your singing voice is so good too. Your from Jetstream...aren't you?"

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