
Not my day

Alec scoffs and pulls Ryan tighter to him. "You kidding? You're better than an electric blanket. Why would I want to give that up?"

Sighing deeply, he closes his eyes, realizing just how tired he was. He could stay up 'til all hours if he wanted to, but once settling down, if he was comfortable, it was easy for him to fall asleep.

"Kick me if I snore," he mumbles.

Justin looks up quickly, not having seen Beth approach. "Wha- oh. Yeah..." He scrounges in his backpack some more, unable to find anything suitable. Sighing, he sits down on the bench and finally finds the napkin he was looking for and holds it to his lip.

"Yeah, I'm, no... yeah." He rolls his eyes as his tangled speech. Checking the bleeding, he runs his tongue over his lip, feeling the sting. "Nothing incurable." He touches his head gingerly where a welt was forming. "Not that I know of anyway." He had a pounding headache from his fall and was still a bit dizzy.

Blotting his lip again, he glances up at Beth. "Sorry... Hi. Not my day. You look rather chipper though." He tries to smile, but winds up wincing as all it does is make his lip bleed more.

Dani's phone ringing makes her jump and she fishes around on the coffee table to find it. Seeing it was Misty, she was willing to answer it.

Once hearing what she wanted, Dani sniffs again, trying not to sound too bummed out. "Um..." Did she really want to get out and about? Much of her didn't feel like it at all. Yet it might be a good distraction for her. "Yeah... yeah, okay. As long as I'm back by lunch... I'm supposed to eat with Dalton."

Pausing a moment, she found it just a little coincidental that Misty would be calling her now... today. It wasn't all that unusual that they would do something together, but Dani had an inkling that somehow Misty knew it wasn't just a normal day. "I'm, um... over at Dalton's if you wanna swing by and pick me up." She pauses again. "Did... did Carson talk to you about... um..." Her voice quivers as she swallows the urge to cry again. "...about me?"

Gage scribbles on the backside of a store receipt, scratching harder to try and get his pen to write. Keeping his phone to his ear, he nods to no one watching. "Uh-huh... okay, yeah. Thank you... yes. I'll be there."

Ending the call, he stares down at his scribbles. Nine o'clock tomorrow night.

Standing from his mattress, he paces his living room, straightening a picture on the wall and stacking up his books on the table, lining up their spines in order. He knew it took two hours to get back into town from Brookshire, and he had no idea how long Sapphire would be visiting Scott, but now he wanted her back all the more. If she was finished early enough, they would do lunch. If not, she would come by for supper. He didn't want to wait that long to talk to her though. Not only was he anxious about her meeting with Scott, but he now wanted to tell her the news he had. It wasn't the greatest in the world, but it was better than nothing and he would finally be able to say he had a job.

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