
Meet a friend

Chance laughs as he's splashed and has no trouble splashing right back before he springs off the wall to get further away. Ducking under the water, he disappears skillfully holding his breath while swimming down deep and coming up behind Destiny. "Boo."

Reese stands up with Angelica, his shoulders squaring a bit as he hears her suggestion. "Well, if Trey doesn't want to come but they get them here, then that's one less thing we have to worry about. However... I'd prefer it he not stay with you."

His tone implies that he's serious. "As Elite chief, I think it would be better to keep him under custody at least until we figure out where his loyalty lies. And as... as someone who cares about you, I'd prefer you not be in that position."

Justin had seen Beth coming up the walk, and he had wondered if she would stop. Whether she did or walked on would hint if there were any consequences from yesterday's little episode in the rain. He still knew no more - he had thought about it all night, wondering if he'd missed something... missed signs or looks in her eye. But his uncle was right... he couldn't paint an accurate picture without all the pieces and he couldn't get those pieces until he discovered where they were.

Not wanting to maker Beth uncomfortable, Justin doesn't make eye contact, but rather focuses on the ground until he hears her voice. A smile curls on his lips, relief hidden somewhere down deep.

Looking up, his smile meets her gaze. "Naw... they don't bite unless I tell them to." He gives Beth a wink before giving a little tug on the leashes. "C'mhere, girls... I want you to meet a friend of mine."

The dogs stand and come to Justin's legs, both sitting and sniffing at Beth with curiosity.

"The one on the right is Danitza, my morning star, and this one is Zora, the dawn. They came to spend the night here with me last night." He gives Danitza a loving scratch behind her ear before looking back up at Beth. "You can pet them if you like."

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