

Continuing to watch Chance the long pause didn't bother Destiny to much as her own heart pounded in her chest. Looking back into his eyes she could see him own mind was moving from one thing to the next as he was in deep thought.

Just continuing to watch Chance even if as he looked away Desinty's own mind wondering on everything and how quick everything happened. Where would they go now? If Chance's response was one that agreed with hers how would things change? If he didn't agree and he said they couldn't do this how would that change everything? Would they be less than friends as to not be put in a situation like they had in the living room?

As Chance speaks Destiny works his words over mind her mind. Letting each on sink in and process them. His words could mean a few different things, and not really a total answer. Cocking her head to the side as a pause is there Destiny waits wondering if he would continue and he did. Lifting an eyebrow as he finishes talking Destiny sits up straght in her chair putting her book down on the table that was in front of her. Looking back at Chance Destiny's own face was one if being serous, and her eyes strong with her words.

"Why don't you let me deiced what I deserve."

Standing Destiny moves a little closer to Chance leaning on the railing of the porch and looking out into the dark. Giving a little grin Destiny turns her head to look over her shoulder at Chance her eyes give a little flair of a burning light in them.

"Your life can't be any worse that what I have dealt with already and I'm willing to take the risk. What can I say I guess I do take after my father and like living a little dangerous."

Maybe it was growing up in her family, and how everything works that made her strong and so forward in how she felt. Her thoughts and how she felt, were always layed on the table with anyone. Most of the time that was the hardest thing for people to deal with when they met her but she'd never chance that. It was just who she was, and how she was raised. Agency family or not it was her, who she was.

Still looking up at Kyle Alice gives a small chuckle. She new he had to go now but she wish he could stay for longer. She really wasn't looking forward to facing the quiet tonight again even if she would be going to bed once Kyle left.

"Like you have to ask to if I wanted to be picked up in the morning, of course I do. It's nice not seeing the inside of my jeep for a little bit."

Giving a laugh Alice sits up. She didn't mind driving and she did love her jeep but honestly it was a nice change to be in Kyle's truck as well.

"I guess I should let you go now before I hold you captive forever."

Looking up at Mick the tears were easy to see in her eyes but they were tears of joy. Rosetta was very happy there family was complete again and knowing BJ was now awake was a releaf like no other. It was one good step in the right direction.

"Why don't you try and sleep a little more buddy. We will still be here when you wake again ok, I promise."

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