

Waiting with Ty Libby didn't mind at all. There was nothing else for her to do today other than going to work and though she enjoyed her job she didn't mind taking a day extra off. No matter how long it was taking she would not regret coming with Ty. He was important enough her her that time did not matter.

"Yes, acutely I am because when I am with you its never a wast."

Giving a smile to Ty and reaching out to take his hand again Libby new he was tired of being here and this was hard for him but she was still so proud he had come. Doing this showed he was trying to work towards bettering himself and thats all that was important and no matter the path, and how hard it was sometimes Libby would be there with him.

Standing along side Rick the the tests had been long but Misty didn't mind at all. Double check scans for Reese, making her own observation and coming to her own finds. This was her passion, what she liked to do.

"He said he was able to look at the pictures I know what something was, yet if he saw the words he had no idea. Pancake just didn't look like pancake unless he had is memorized. Change the menu up on him though and he had no idea once again what he said."

Misty lets out a long sigh. This was frustrating, not because she was upset or had no patients but because like Rick she new Ty was no stupid. So why he couldn't read Misty had no idea, unless.

"I think I remember hearing about a disorder that had to do with the eyes seeing words differently than how me and you see them...but I can't remember for the life of me what its called."

I do have to agree I think there should of been at least two more agents there, like Me and Con, or Carson. Its a big area with a lot of faces that Destiny herself probably doesn't even know.

Katie lets out a small sigh as she leans back in her chair. Today she just couldn't keep her mind on her work. She was worryed about this whole thing Jason was at and the fact they didn't have more people scoping out the place. Even if she new Jason would be ok, it still made her worry.

Just keep your eyes open J, everything will be ok.

As Chance stays close to Destiny though she doesn't talk much she didn't mind how close he wanted to be to her right now, the closer the better in her state. Not paying much attachen to the people around them Destiny's own look was one of someone strong yet at the same time her eyes held the very sad glint to them.

Once Destiny talks with the minister things move rather quickly from there. Taking her seat close to the front with Chance waiting her turn. Doing her best Destiny holds her composure as she listens to a few people some whom she didn't even know but were friends of her parents talked. Songs played and the minister...and soon it was her turn.

Slipping her hand into Chance's and gives it a squeeze before standing and making her way up front to where she would standing. Clearing her throat for a moment Destiny looks out over the faces before looking down again at the paper she had.

"To lose a parent is the hardest thing a person would have to go through. To lose two parents at the same time is a nightmare. Knowing that now you have no one left. Here one day, and gone the next. It worse than a nightmare because from this you can't wake up."

Looking up again Destiny's eyes glisten she tried to be so strong but it was so hard all of the faces looking back at her, tears in there own eyes.

"Mom and Dad did a lot of things that weren't right, and went against so much but one thing they never did was turn there back on there family. Being the only child I was spoiled a lot, but I never felt the lack of love and I always new they were there for me when I needed them. And it was because of that love that got them where they are today. They were trying to protecting there family, and trying to leave would be the only way. Sadly they did get out, but not the way they wanted...and so we are left with torn hearts, and stinging souls."

Destiny's eyes rome everyone again and than back to her paper as she her shook just a little and her voice quivered. It was so hard to keep her emotions in, and keep herself so strong under this pressure.

"But if anything else it brings me a little comfort knowing now, they are free. I'll miss them, and our summers together, the tennis games and trying to beat my dad. I never did win but I came close. I'll do my best to keep there memories alive."

Not being able to help it anymore the tears finally roll down Destiny's face, her eyes turning red. The sadness and greaf just seemed to over take her and she couldn't hold it any longer. She longed to be held, to feel strong arms wrapped around her. Letting her eyes find Chance she just focuses on him as the tears stream down her cheeks still talking about her parents.

"Its not fair you were taken before you time. But everyone ends up going away in the end. Whats important is the memories they leave us with, so we can keep them dear to our hearts no matter where they are. Mom and Dad, I love you!"

Moving away from the little poteum Destiny starts to make her way back to where they had been sitting though her vision was a little blurry.

In the dark shadows of the trees, and buildings figures moved. No one would know, as the walked with great care not to alert anyone, non of them catching sight of Jason ether.

Markus take the right, Lynn take the left, I got the middle.

Wolf, how many?

As far as I know Lynn and have seen its just the one. Chance, he came in from a different branch to protect Destiny.

Are we gonna take him out too?

If we can get a clean shot at him Markus yes, but hit Destiny first than go in and get her. Remember Lynn don't kill her with your shot we need her alive to find out where those files are.

Got it Wolf.

And so the shadow figures lurked waiting, watching for the right time.

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