

Standing and listing to Rick as he explains everything to Ty Libby just nods a little understanding what he was saying. She had heard of Irlen before but she didn't know enough about it to have thought it was connected with Ty.

Continuing to listen to Rick Libby's hand finds Ty's fingers that had been clenching the bed. Her fingers brushing over his as she just lets him know she is still there with him though she wasn't saying anything. She was there for support, and that what she wanted Ty to remember.

Hearing Ty ask her if she would come to the Las Vegas with him made Libby's heart jump a little. A warmth seeming to wash over her. She had come here with Ty and was so thankful she had but to hear him ask her to go farther with him was a new kind of joy. She was wanted, Ty wanted her around and it made her feel good.

"Of course I would come with you Ty, as long as you want me too. I can't let you have all the fun you know."

Giving a smile to Ty Libby's eyes give a little sparkle. She new Ty was scaried but she was so honored to be helping him through this. This made her feel needed and truly special.

Finally giving another frustrated growl Katie stands from her cuble and without saying anything makes her way out of TJY to her car. Jason didn't need to say anything he was right, something didnt feel right.

I trust your instincts, you've never been wrong. I am on my way even if you don't end up needing me.

Drawing closer to Chance Destiny did her best to give a smile but it just wouldn't come. Drawing closer Destiny stands in front of Chance for a long moment before falling into Chance knowing he would catch her. Her sobs shaking her everything piled into one and the longing just to feel Chance's arms around her and feel his strength.

"They...there really gone Chance....I...."

Destiny clings to Chance as she continues to cry her words seeming to blend together so she stops and just crys.

Wolf...I got a clear shot of Chance, I hate that guy. I'm going to take it.

Markus moves forward a few steps still in the shadows his dark clothing adding to his descise. Pointing his gun at Chance the red light making his back.

Markus....Don't you shoot....we need to get Destiny first without risk of hitting her wrong. Markus...Markus.

Wolfs words were lost in Markus' ear as his gun rings out in the quiet, but to his bad luck something from the tree and wacked his arm causing the bullet to scim past Chance and Destiny.

Moving away quickly himself Wolf moves away still talking.

Lynn, take her down and get to the van I am getting the van, Markus you idiot grab the girl after she is shot.

The next few moments was haywire as bullets fly and people scream, Destiny trying to hide behind something. Finding and over turned table she tried to use that. A shooting pain seems to go through her shoulder thought as she lied in shelter under the table. A warm sensation soaking though her now ripped dress. The pain excruciating bringing her hand up to it and than taking it away her eyes go slightly wide at the blood.

Lynn...go go...get to the van...Markus come on lets go.

Wolf I almost got her.

Forget her and go...Lynn come on.

No I can't mess up I'll meet you guys where.

Seeing where Destiny went Markus movies quickly to where Destiny was. Grabbing her arm he yanks her up.

"Your coming with me!"

Giving a scream from the pain being yanked caused along with fear Destiny's eyes streamed with tears her mind going all over the place as he body wanted to give up from the pain. But another scream rang out only to be met but the butt of Markus' gun.

"Shut up or I'll put another bullet in you like your parents."

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