

Watching Beth leave, Justin gives her a little wave, and keeps an eye on her until she's disappeared through the brush. Turning back to the pond, he just stands for a while, staring at the calm water. Eventually he kicks off his socks and shoes and finds a rock to sit on and let his feet dangle in the water for a while. He'd be there another hour before finally packing up and heading home for the night.

"Mmm... I suppose since we spent the money to rent it, we really should watch it." Chance sighs, taking his time before finally sitting up so Destiny could sit up too. "Go ahead and start the movie. I'll be right back."

Leaving to go down the hall to he bathroom, he returns a few minutes later, but only after taking a side trip through the kitchen to grab the bag of M&Ms they still had.

Settling in on the couch again, he puts his feet up on the coffee table and opens the bag of candy, offering some to Destiny. "Gotta have sugar to stay up late," he concludes.

"There he goes." Reese watches the monitor with Hal behind a locked door. Alec would have thought Reese was gone for the night, but he would have been wrong. Shaking his head, Reese sighs. "Where does he get that card key from anyway?"

Hal shrugs. "Don't know. Have Dalton run an analysis to see whose card it is."

"Yeah... I'll do that tomorrow. Okay, so he's out of his room, how does he get under the cameras on the main floor?"

"I'd like to know that myself," Hal muses. "There's three of them sweeping the room at all times and he's not in here playing back footage, so I honestly don't know. But that's the only way out."

"Genius. Well, wherever he's going shouldn't be too bad tonight. We don't have any Agency men to take down. Just as bank robber. Wyatt's on the case for that one tonight - he's leaving from home. We got a tip a day ago about the guy meeting up with someone at a club. At least that will be one case we can solve and get the guy in here to question. Keep Brown happy that we're still getting something done around here."

Alec makes it to Ryan and Eli's right after dark in his frequently "borrowed" car. Hitching a ride to Mark's, the car is revealed, and Alec can't help but laugh.

"Roth is going to be so mad, he's not going to know what to do." He stands back with arms crossed, admiring Eli's handiwork. "Too bad it won't last long."

"Yeah, tell me about it." Eli shakes his head. "Best job and I bet it'll get ground out tomorrow night, the same night he sees it."

"Probably." Alec chuckles and gives Ryan a sidelong glance. "One of these days, he'll figure out not to mess around with you bunch."

A creaking door makes both Eli and Alec spin around, ready to fend off anybody who wasn't supposed to see the car. As it so happens though, it's only Leo. He'd had the past several days off work, so really was clueless as to how anything was going since he hadn't seen Ryan at all. Seeing he'd startled them, he grins and waves. "Hi, guys."

"Leo." Eli nods. "Scared the tar out of me."

"What? You wouldn't be doing anything sneaky now would you?" Leo teases. Letting his thumbs hang in his pockets, he wanders closer to survey the car. "Nice... real nice."

Eli chuckles. "That it is. What brings you here?"

"Oh, just figured I'd see your masterpiece before the race since I won't be there."

"Aw you're gonna miss it?"

"Yeah. Got a dance studio opening I'm going to be at and probably won't make it to the race afterward. Might though, but I doubt it." Leo runs a hand over the hood of the car and smiles. "Couldn't be more perfect."

Alec quirks an eyebrow just standing back and observing. He'd been put immediately on edge as soon as he'd seen Leo, bristling at his presence. "Dance studio, huh? Your girlfriend's place?"

"You get around, don't you?" Leo counters coolly. "Yes studio, but no not my girlfriend. She's just a friend who happens to be a woman but... I have a feeling you really don't know what that's like."

Alec takes a step forward, but Eli braces himself in between them. "We gotta get this car out of here," he mentions, trying to avoid a fight. "Alec, you drive Roth's car. Ryan, drive your own, and Leo, you can come with me."

"Well, I'd-"

"Either that or go home," Eli states flatly.

Leo's eyes narrow. "Maybe that's the best idea. I know you three can handle this without me anyway."

Back at TJY, the phone rings and Reese picks it up. "Yeah, hello, this is Reese."

"Dad... he's dead."


"Newton... the guy I was to arrest. He's dead. Found him in the alley beside the club."

"He wasn't even Agency!"

"Nope. But he's dead alright. Someone didn't want him talking. Coincidence?"

"It's becoming too frequent for any more coincidences. I'll call the station to have the scene taped off and investigated."

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