
Can't swim

Feeling Chance's fingers slip of hers Destiny moves her own fingers to wrap around Chance's. It felt good having him there, and knowing they were close.

"I know I'll be ok as long as your in charge."

Giving a smile to Chance Destiny pushes some of her hair behind her ear. She was happy Chance did well at his job in keeping her safe, she was also liked just knowing them had a bond even if it was for a short while it was still nice.

Letting out a long sigh she turns back to her ice cream to take another scoop eating it. The cold sweet liquid seeming to melt away the stress for now.

Continuing to just sit there Beth looks across the yard but was still listing Justin. It was going to be a nice day out. The sun always shined but Beth never enjoyed it, except for walking outside to get to where she was going. Sometimes she missed feeling the sun on her skin.

Just letting the silence continue to linger Beth was thinking more than normal. About her sister, about her, about what Justin had said the other day, and now about him again. He did seem nice, and he was always so kind to her, but why did Beth always feel so scared.

"I...I don't know how to swim."

It sounded like another excuse but really this time it wasn't. Beth didn't know how to swim and maybe being around water wasn't the best.

"I never went swimming before, and...I don't think the bath tub counts."

Beth gives a tiny laugh finally turning to look at Justin. Her own nerves were a ball right now, and in a way it felt so hard to say as much as she had already. Her thought bouncing all over.

"My day's been ok too."

Angelica gives a smile and a nod of her head. She was thankful Reese was going to help her. She wouldnt bock at Reese saying if Trey got into trouble they would have to keep him confined. She understood completely and agreed.

"I have no problem with that at all. I just keep hoping that he wont cause any trouble for us. Thank you again Reese this means a lot."

Knowing he had more work to do Angelica new to keep it short. Give smile a smile she turns to head back out of the room calling over her should.

"I'll see you for dinner tonight."

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