

Listing to Chance and Jason talk Destiny does her best to pick up on what was said thought her mind was still foggy from today events. Hearing Chance had been all over was quite interesting. Destiny had always wanted to travel and see other places. Her father had, and always brought her home postcards but she was never allowed to go with him.

Seeing Jason was ready to go Destiny reaches out and takes his hand giving it a squeezes. Her eyes meeting his again as she gives a small nod. She understood she would be safe here, but when she left, what about when she left?

"Good Night Jason, and...."

She stops for a second knowing he didn't want to be thanked anymore though it just seemed like something that needed to be done. But changing her words she wanted to at least try and not thank him like he wanted.

"...I hope to see you again."

Once Jason is gone Destiny looks back to Reese and chance again. She felt so out of her zone here, not knowing what to do or what to say. It was a nice little room different from what she was use to but still she felt uncomfortble being in a new place, having a new bed a little harder than her own.

After everyone was done Destiny just stairs at the closed door for a long while. She felt so out of place, and hated being somewhere new where she didn't know where anything was. She just felt lost and now that night drew closer and things had quieted down her mind had to chance to wonder and it was her parents she thought about.

Finally getting up off the bed Destiny wonders from the room where she would be staying. Heading to the bathroom fire Destiny changed into some soft plaid pants and a over sized t shirt. Watching her face and pulling her hair back into a pony tail. Once finished cleaning up Destiny wonders a little moving in and out of the different cubicles not really looking for anything but keeping her mind busy and just figuring out the lay out of TJY.

Coming to the long hallway she wonders down it coming to the different doors that were closed she decides its probably best not to open them and be nosy so coming back up the way she came Destiny finds herself in the break room grabbing something to drink and just sitting down...think..wait...and thinking some more.

Sitting at home Katie really wasn't doing anything. Ryder and Thirteen had been gone for the night doing something together so it was a little quieter than normal in the house. Getting Jason's message though Katie perks up a little a smile coming to her face. She always loved feeling him even if he was far away.

Mmm...I'd love to come over and be with you. I could use the company myself its a little quiet around here.

Katie new Jason would be having a problem with what happened today not just because she could feel the pull in his emotions but because she new from the past he always had a hard time knowing he killed someone. She'd been there for him than, she would be there for him again now. Nothing could keep her from being there when he needed her.

Let me just grab some of the cookies I made and I'll head right over. Anything else you want me to bring?

Even if Leo was only setting up stage props it was still something to do with the studio and it made Cassy happy to see that. Even if he was just helping out it meant he hadn't given up.

Hearing that after he was done he come and see her even help her Cassy can't help but get a little excited. Not only would she be able to see Leo twice in one day but she would be having her very best friend help her practice and that was something special in its own.

"I couldn't think of someone I would rather practice with than you Leo. I think that sounds like a good idea. We can talk about it more when you come fix the edging on time and what not."

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