
Stop blaming yourself

Taking another bit of her hot dog Ryan listens to Alec and gives a chuckle at his mention to keeping an eye on her. She new he was joking and new better than to think that but it was funny hearing him say it anyways.

Hearing his real reason Ryan gives a slight nod thinking for a long moment. She missed her friendship with Leo too. Even before they dated that had been pretty good friends and now it was rare they even said hi. She'd tried though talking to him and getting along and he just didn't want that, though she didn't blame him.

"Yeah, maybe someday we will have a friendship again just right now...I don't see it in the works. As for being sorry you took it away, Mmmm...maybe I'd change how I went about it but in the end I probably pick you all over again. There is just something about you Alec Banks that makes it work. We balance out each other, and give each other the thrill and excitement we need. Leo and I...we just weren't meant to be."

Looking across the table at Alec Ryan's eyes twinkle in the sun light as it shines down on them. She meant what she had said, her and Leo were ok together, and they did have the fun times but even if Alec hadn't come along it might of ended just the same. They just didnt work. But Alec he was different and gave Ryan fuel, yet contained the fire at the same time so it didn't get out of hand, and Ryan did the same for him.

Shifting gears a little Ryan thinks about Alec's comment on friends and gives a small nod. There were very few people she would consider friends, and she often was over careful on who she called a friend but he was right it was nice.

"It is nice to have friends, people you can trust and know have your back. Doesn't come easy thats for sure and sometimes you have to weed out those who really are not true friends but in the end it worth it."

Giving another smile and a sip of her drink Ryan pauses for a second before continuing.

"Hey the guys joked around with ya today thats a good start in making friends, and....my brother wants you to call him thats a good sign too. If you were going to choose any people to be friends with I'd say my brother is defiantly one of the good ones. He knows how to have fun and stay out of trouble...most of the time and he'd watch your back even if it killed him."

Moving onto the other side of the table with Chance and hearing his comment Destiny looks down at her fried chicken sandwich.

"This was fried in grease I guess that counts right and its loaded with cheese."

Giving another laugh Destiny picks up her frosty and gives a long slurp trying to get the thick liquid through the straw. Finally getting a little she gives up for now and sets the drink down before taking a bit of her own food.

Looking across the table once she was done chewing Destiny just study's Chance for a long moment. Taking him in, and working him over in her mind. Her voice taking on a different tone of one who really was interested Destiny speaks.

"So what do you like to do for fun on a normal day?"

Giving a nod and leaning against her car that Cassy had wondered over to while talking to Leo to take a little pressure off her knee she thinks for a moment. What Leo was feeling Cassy could understand and it was easy to see the pain in his eyes. This woman really had hurt him and it upset Cassy to know she had done such a good job and damaging such a great guy.

"I guess thats the thing with love...we gotta take a bunch of falls before we can finally sore high. And maybe...you should stop blaming yourself for this happening. What if this, and what if that is all find and dandy and maybe you would of kept Ryan, but than you would of lost who you are alone the way and been just as miserable."

Shifting her weight just a little Cassy continues to lean against her car as she brings a hand to her mouth in deep thought for a moment. Her and Leo's situations had been quite differnt, but she tried to play how she felt in her mind over again to try and give her a better foot on what to say. But when it came down to it all Cassy could so was speak from her heart.

"Don't let this one incontinent put you put though forever. You just need to find someone who likes you for Leo Barnsworth, and everything you have to offer and not try to be someone else. Your little world where you fit best, is where the woman your gonna be with is gonna be happy too. Moving out and trying to be someone your not its only gonna end in pain."

Cassy gives a smile as she pushes off the car and comes over a little close to Leo giving a smile as the sun reflects off her hair, and the light dances in her eyes.

"You think your just a bumbling idiot that no one could love...your wrong. All the work you have done for me, everything you have fixed is not the work of a clumsy idiot, its the work of a man who is will to give his heart to his friend and do his best. Without you, non of this stuff would of gotten done. Your a great guy, and a great friend and I'd be willing to stand up to anyone, any day and tell them your prefect just the way you are."

Searching Leo's face for a long moment Cassy can feel her cheeks get a little red. Maybe she spoke from her heart a little to much, but its what she felt...not as a person who wanted a deeper relationship with Leo, but as his friend.

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