
So out of place

Kyle can see that Katie has recognized him, but glancing to Jason, he picks up no change in body language, so he assumes that she has said nothing yet. He didn't know yet how he'd even approach anybody afterward... maybe it was good that Katie had already spotted him.

A few people move in front of him and Alice so Katie is lost from view, but Kyle still has a good vantage point to see the stage. The music was loud, the music was good. The rest of Kyle's band had ended up in two different places, and at some point, Kyle catches Theo and Twila boogieing on the sidelines along with who knows who else. Laughing, he elbows Alice and points, glad to see his friends having a good time. This was pretty strange for him, but at least the others could just enjoy themselves.

A few more songs roll by and Kyle blends in with the audience, still detected only by Katie and glad of it. This gave him more time to relax and breathe before he had to think any more about what he would say or what he would do once the show was over.

As JetStream has a short pause in between songs, Jason takes a swig from his water bottle, and Mike adjusts a few things on his drumset. The audience has no intention of leaving, and Phil grins out at them. "Gotta catch our breath."

Laughter makes Jason smile and he throws a wink out to Katie before wiping his brow.
Wooee. It's warm up here tonight. Watch the sweat fly.

Phil plays a couple notes on his bass, starting the groove for the next song, but as the lights sweep the audience, he comes to an unexpected halt. His eyes growing wide, he stares out into the audience. Jason and Mike exchange glances, then look to Phil. What was he doing?

What is Phil looking at? Is there anything wrong out there? I can't tell where he's looking, can you?

Phil ignores their questioning glances, totally disrupting their concert flow. His smile grows wider and wider until he points, unable to contain himself. "Kyle!!!"

Jason, Mike and Jen's heads snap to follow Phil's pointing, they too now ignoring the fact that they were pausing the concert.

Kyle's stomach does a flip-flop and he gives Alice a sidelong glance before he puts his head down sheepishly for a minute then raises it again. He gives a little wave, not knowing what else to do.

"Well don't just sit there!" Phil waves him up on stage, bouncing a little. "Get up here!" His excitement and shock at seeing his brother is obvious as he speaks to the audience again. "Kyle Mitts is in da house!"

Kyle hadn't wanted any attention at all, but it looked like he wasn't going to get away with it. Looking to Alice and giving her hand a quick squeeze, he finally rises from his chair and walks up to the stage. It was such a different feeling than the last time he'd been on stage with JetStream. Things were so different now... he had changed... his perspectives had changed. But friendships and blood hadn't. Before reaching the platform, he spies Jen at he sound table and decides then to go to her first. Kneeling down to eye-level, he isn't sure what to say unsure if he would even be accepted.

On Jen's face was a mixture of shock and joy. "Kyle... what are you doing here?!"

"Oh..." He shrugs casually. "Just in the neighborhood."

Jen squeals and holds out her arms for a hug. Relief sweeps over Kyle and he is quick to embrace his sister, hugging her close. "Man it's good to see you."

She giggles and pulls back, her eyes shining. "Ditto. Why didn't you tell us you were coming, you big jerk?"


"Is she the only one that gets attention or what??"

Kyle looks back at the stage to see Phil waiting and he grins. He was so nervous, but it was slowly dispersing as it was becoming more and more obvious he was more than welcome here. "Guess I'm being dragged into the spotlight." He ruffles Jen's hair and winks at her. "I'll still be here after the concert." Backing up to the stage, he turns around to step up and has no time to spare before Phil has him in a rough hug, his smile still pasted on his face.

Kyle returns the hug and laughs, turning to the audience and having to speak loudly without a mic. "If you hadn't noticed - they weren't expecting me."

Someone whistles - Kyle had an inkling it was Kip - and a round of cheers starts from those who had known him from JetStream. Grinning, he quirks a smile and he shakes his head. "This is a JetStream concert, y'all!" He throws out his arms to the side. "What are you doing hollering for me, huh?"

The cheers don't stop.

Kyle can't help but laugh, and turns around to see Jason. He point at him in a friendly gesture, then gives a bow, beginning to feel the adrenaline just from being up here onstage.

Jason shakes his head, his own smile forming.
The dog... he looks good... real good.
"Kyle, what on earth are you doing here?"

"Crashing the party, man!"

Mike hollers from his drumset. "You're not really crashing the party until you join in!"

Kyle spins around, his eyes wide. "Hey, I'm part of the audience tonight!"


He whips back around to scan the faces. "Who just booed?" No one owns up to it.

Jason steps forward, grabbing the extra microphone. "Who wants to hear Kyle sing, eh?"

It seems the clapping and cheering comes from everyone in the audience, whether they really remembered who he was or not.

Kyle sets his hands on his hips and shakes his head, amused, but awkward. He cocks his head and looks at Jason, catching his eye.

Jason stares back at him with a steady gaze, and gives a small bow of his own, handing him the microphone. No words are exchanged, but none need to be. In that instant, rivalry disappeared for good. "Come on, Kyle... Don't tell me you forgot the words to Flying High."

Wishing he had more time to talk to Jason, but knowing in front of the crowd the show had to go on, Kyle turns and uses the mic. "I should remember it, seeing as though I'm the one who wrote it." He laughs at someone's shrill whistle. "Yeah, yeah, alright." Turning back around, he glances to Phil, Jason and Mike. "Y'all ready or what?"

Mike grins and starts in the drumbeat. Kyle can't help the laugh that escapes and he looks out at the people, finding Alice. His smile only widens. One could see his eyes sparkling from the back row. He was so out of place but so much at home.

"...supreme... and a couple pepperonis." Carson jots down a note to himself before glancing up as the last customer leaves Mom and Pop's for the evening. Moving around to the front, he turns the sign around to show they were closed, though he would leave the door unlocked. Jason said he was bringing JetStream, most likely Cryptic would show up, then someone else had mentioned there might be a few extras on top of that.

Carson wasn't going to turn down some extra income, let alone turn down the batch of people he now called his friends. "Hey, Misty..." He wanders back to the counter, slinging an arm over her shoulders. "You're not gonna eat and run are you? Staying for the fun and festivities?"

Grinning slyly, he leans in to kiss her neck, slipping both arms around her waist from behind. "Okay, I admit it," he mumbles into her neck. "I sent the girls home and now I could use some extra help in the kitchen."

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