
Slug you the next time

Shaking her head Karla laughs again as Kip while the ice cream from her nose and than tells her about Twila. It felt good to laugh with Kip even if she was a little upset. Knowing she was angry at her best friend was a horrible feeling. So now knowing it was at least resolved a little bit was a good thing.

"We are need to know when there is food on our faces its important so we can look good and impress you guys."

Karla gives a smirk before standing from the bed and taking her plastic spoon to the trash to throw out. Giving a stretch she looks at Kip and gives a little nod and than looks around the room.

"Well I think I've got everything I need packed. Wanna help me carry this to the car and than we can look for Alice's bag she wanted to find?"

Getting back into the house Hope moves a little slower than normal. She just felt so drained she didnt even bother going back to TJY after she left the hospital. She still felt so tired, and it took everything she could to pull herself out of bed this morning. It had been a long time since she had been this sit so it was only normal really it would hit her harder than normal.

Now being home she still felt like crap not any better and maybe even a little worse. Throwing her keys on the little table by the door and heading into the kitchen Hope throws her jacket over the back of the chair.

Maybe a some tea would help her feel better, and than laying down and just relaxing would do her some good. Sleep, maybe all she really needed to get over this bug was more sleep.

...And so the afternoon quickly turned into night as the moon peeked into the sky. Clear was the sky making the moon and stars shin that much brighter. Offering a blanket to those in long spending time with each other, and a darkness to those lost in the dreams that haunt them...

Screams ring through the air as the neighbors do nothing but shut there front doors and windows to the sound not wanting to get in the middle of what seemed like a lovers quarrel.

"Tiffany, how could you do this to us, to our family, I've loved you all these years and you didn't even have the decency to tell me way back."

"Rick your drunk out of your mind we will talk about this when your sober just calm down."

"Calm...you want me to stay calm? Is Beth or Sarah really even mine? How can I be calm when your one who's made this life a whole lie?"

"Yes Beth and Sarah are your daughter don't be stupid now just calm down right now."

"How could you do this to me? How could you do this to us? I love you...no one should have to live with this pain no one."

"Rick..what are you doing...Rick put the gun down...No...Sarah run...hide...No Rick...stop!!!!"

A gun shot ring through the night and the thick smell of blood filled the air. Scaired and alone the figured hide under the bed...alone.

Sitting up straight in bed Beth's hands clenched her blankets tightly, the sweat running down her face so thick as she panted staring into her darkroom. She hadnt been there that night that changed her sisters lift forever, she had been happy off laughing at her friends house completely clueless to what happens at home.

But even so Beth still often dreamed about that horrible night and what the words were that were said, and how scared her sister was as she hide watching the two people that were her hero's slipping from her life in front of her eyes.

Throwing the covers back and getting out of bed Beth's eyes were still heavy but her heart was racing to fast to go back to sleep yet and she just...she needed to talk to her sister even if she wouldn't talk back.

Grabbing her cell from the nightstand and heading out of her room and across the hardwood floor to the kitchen her bare feet scuffed a little. Dialing the number to the hospital she waited for an answer.

"Hey Garret can I talk to Sarah please....yes I know what time it is...I don't care let me talk to my sister....No I will not go on a date with you....Garret put Sarah no the phone before I slug you the next time I see you."

Hearing the other end of the phone go silent Beth rolls her eyes as she pours herself a glass of water. Garret was one of her sister nurses. Not a bad looking guy just...not someone she was interested in ether.

"Thank you Garret!"

Knowing her sister was on the other line now after being informed by Garret Beth takes a sit of her water.

"Hey Baby Sis, I just wanted to call you and say Hi. I love you Sarah very much. Maybe tomorrow if its nice out we can go for a walk outside. Would you like that?"

Beth new her sister wouldn't answer but she asked her questions all the time anyways. Maybe done day her shell would break and she would have her sister back. The Dr's thought it was unlikely but Beth had to have at least a little hope.

"Ok, well I'll let you get back to bed and I will see you tomorrow. I don't have to work at the bar so I can stick around a little longer this time. Good Night."

Ending the phone conversation Beth lets out a small sigh. She wished her sister was closer it would be so much easier to tuck her into her own bed, and to comfort her from home but she just wouldn't be able to give her sister the attachen she needed with working not to mention Sarah wasn't stable enough for that.

Pouring the rest of her water into the sink Beth places the glass in before returning to her bedroom. Crawling under the blankets she stairs into the dark for several more moments before her eyes finally started to fall shut again. Wish any luck she wouldn't have another nightmare and could sleep through the night in peace.

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