
Perfect man

Justin looks up as Beth stands, finding her words interesting. He was often ridiculed for his methods... for someone to view his tenacity as a strength... felt pretty good.

Realizing she was leaving again, he straightens and offers another smile and a little wave. "Yeah... you too. I'll see you around." Watching her walk away, he calls after her. "Hey, Beth... think fast." An apple is tossed in her direction, along with a wink. "An apple a day..."

Grinning, he gathers his bag and soccer ball to stand up and amble to the parking lot.

Jason automatically takes the lead on this short assignment and shakes his head at Destiny. "Naw, leave your car where it is for now. We can move it later. The quicker we go at this point, the better."

As they head for the door, Jason makes a quick job of touching base with Katie so she wouldn't worry about his heightened emotions and adrenaline. "

Got a woman in protective custody - have to go pick up some of her things from her apartment and get back without getting shot at by the Agency. If you sense anything go wrong, tell Reese.

Once outside, Jason leads the way to his truck. "Destiny, take the backseat and lay low. Alec, ride shotgun up front."

"Yes sir."

Jason throws Alec a sidelong glance, having caught the sarcasm. "And behave yourself."

It was no secret they didn't get along all that well, especially after he episode with Trooper. But Jason knew well enough to set aside his personal feelings, and Alec knew well enough to stay out of too much trouble. The combination was a unique team to say the least.

Alec gives him a little smirk and opens up the door for Destiny. "All aboard."

...Heading through town, Jason follows Destiny's directions until he pulls up to an apartment building. "Okay, so far so good. Is this it? Alec, keep an eye out."

"Yeah, Toby? This is Reese."

"Hey, Chief. What's the occasion?"

"Well..." Reese lets out a long sigh and leans back in his chair after the others had left. "We got a situation here. A young woman just showed up with quite a story. I don't have time to explain it all now, but the bottom line is that she needs an Elite bodyguard. Problem is, I don't have anybody to spare for the job. I was wondering if you had any free hands down at your base that could come up here indefinitely."

"Hmm... we're pretty tight here ourselves, Reese. A recent crackdown around here and most of my men are busier than they can even handle. I'm sorry, but..." Toby's voice trails off. "Wait... you know what? I think I have the perfect man for the job."


"Yes. His name is Chance O'Mally. He needs a kick in the seat every once in a while, but I can have him on the next Elite jet out of here and he can be in Nevada by tonight."

"Wow. that sounds perfect. Send him on down."

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