

Reese's eyes narrow at Dalton, his own nerves growing on edge. Just watching him go back to his work, Reese stands in the doorway for several moments, fingering the nameplate. "You know, Dalton... I guess maybe I expected you to be more willing to work with someone who is actually trying to help your friend. But if you want to make Justin's job harder, then I guess there's not much I can do about it. I'll keep him away from you from now on. But heaven forbid he need any information from you that could help Scott and can't get it because you're unwilling to work with him."

Spinning on his heel, Reese exits the office, closing the door behind him, forcing himself not to slam it. He knew Dalton was upset, but he felt like he was having to fight his own man on this and he didn't like it.

Walking only a couple feet, he has to come to a dead halt to keep himself from running into Justin. He'd thought the younger man had waited in his office. Looking him in the eye, he can tell by the disappointed look on his face that he'd heard. "I'm sorry-"

"Don't be." Justin shakes his head. "It's not me he's mad at."

Reese holds out the nameplate. "It's not?"

"Nah. He's just upset about his friend and I'm an easy target. From some of the things he's said, I bet he's had some bad experiences with counselors too, so that's another strike against me. I'll stay out of his way from now on though - I don't want to stir up any more trouble."

"You haven't." Reese sighs deeply. "We're all on edge lately. Just... a lot going on." He starts walking again, Justin at his side.

"Well, if I can get somewhere with Scott, maybe that will be one less thing on everybody's minds."

Reese stops before they get to the main floor and he turns to Justin with seriousness. "Do you really think you can?"

"Only if Scott wants me to. And right now... he just isn't trying hard enough. But I think he will. It's just gonna take time."

"But we don't have time with him because of the Agency influence."

"Then we better pray that something will help him turn himself around before it's too late." Jason nods and holds up the nameplate. "Thank you. I'll continue to be in touch."

"Yeah..." Reese watches him walk away before sigh deeply. He wanted to go home. But the day was only half over.

Justin heads across the main floor, his eyes scanning the cubicles. Walking past Sapphire's area, he catches her eye and gives her a little nod and the best small smile he could. Unless she beckoned him, he would not stop. He had invaded enough today... done enough damage. This was a hard group... and maybe he had misjudged them. Maybe it was time he came here on invitation only and found other ways to deal with Scott. Even if Justin understood and didn't take Dalton's words too personally, they did leave him questioning himself. He'd get over it, but for the moment, this whole thing had just become very frustrating.

Chance laughs as he buckles up. "If you can handle linking arms with great Chance O'Mally, feel free. But if you're going into any clothing stores, I beg of you... let me guard the entrance."

Slipping on a pair of sunglasses, he grins. Destiny seemed to be doing pretty well today... almost seeming to enjoy herself. There was a lot of serious things happening... her safety... arrangements for her parents' burials... yet there was still some sunshine there and that was a good sign.

"And no... I'm not carrying your bags for you," he teases.

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