
One better

Giving a slight nod to Chance once they are at TJY Destiny new this might very well be the last time she had her own thoughts to herself for a while. Though she was surround by people here still, she could think on her own without having someone looking over her shoulder.

Watching Chance walk away Destiny turns and heads to the little room that had been hers for a night. Gathering her items, and putting away stuff in bags till finally she sinks down on the bed. Just to think for a long moment, her mind slowing down enough to do so. What would happen now? And after she didn't need protection anymore, what would fill her time now that her parents were gone. It was a depressing thought thats for sure but it was one that would come sooner or later, but maybe it was best saved for later.

Standing again Destiny heads out of the room once more wondering aimlessly around up and down hallways, and in and out of rooms just exploring, keeping her mind busy. Finally ending at the break room again with her book in hand Destiny sits and opens it to read. It would keep her busy till Chance was ready to go again.

Listing to Leo there was something different about the way he talked about Baxtor now. It wasnt a talk down but more of accepting. Cassy was just happy he wasn't giving up altogether like he wanted not to long ago.

"Well, as long as your happy filling in that I guess thats what matters. I don't care what you say or those snobs over at Baxtor thinks, I still believe your the best partner I ever had."

Continuing to just dance with Leo and let the music carry them Cassy can't help the small chuckle at Leo's comment to her shinning.

"Maybe I shined once upon a time, but I got a bum knee that half the times feels like its getting worse than better, and I couldn't keep up with everyone over there at Baxtor if I tried. I'd probably end up damaging my knee permanently."

Moving instep with Leo Cassy lets him lead her into the slow dip and than back up again before keeping there steps in tune. Drawing to the end and coming within inches of Leo Cassy smiles and cocks her head to one side just a little. Her voice no more than a whisper.

"Thank you though for thinking I shine bright still."

Watching all the commotion Katie gives a small shake of her head. Off to one side she was setting up a few things to help the guys out before scoping the area out herself to make sure there were no blind spots she didn't know about or could end up being dangerous. Katie always like to help out the band but tryed to stay out of the bussle of things not minding sitting back and just watching the others and laughing pulling on Jason's emotions and talking with him silently.

I love watching you guys interact it really is entertaining.

Finished with what she was working on Katie stands and gives over to the small cooler pulling out a bottle of OJ.

Think I can do that for and one better...

Walking over to where Jason was and squatting down next to him Katie smiles holding out the bottle of OJ in one hand and the PB & J sandwich in the other.

"Since you were pretty much with me all afternoon I new you hadn't had anything to eat so I made sure to pack something to at least hold you over till after the concert".

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