
Once upon a time

Chance pauses his eating for a moment to rest his elbow on the table, his chin nestled in his palm as he listens to Destiny. His eyes don't leave her face as he takes her voice in, mulling it over and letting it mix with the words she was speaking.

A little grin forms on his face. A substitute teacher, huh? Interesting. He wasn't surprised to find her parents had been fairly well off and that she'd been close to them. It could be hard living off a substitute job without some other means. What would she do now? He wondered. His grin widens, thinking about stuffed turtles.

Chuckling, he straightens and picks up his cheeseburger again. "Staying alive is definitely an art," he agrees. "Some have a talent for it and others don't. Some can learn it and some can't." He would have a hard time locating all the wounds he'd received from getting nicked with bullets or swiped with knives. Toby had kept him on the force because he'd walked away from situations nobody should have. Shot, beat up, kicked around and thrown off a cliff - all with the result of him being able to walk away on his own two feet.

"I suppose if everybody could do it on their own, then people like me would be out of a job." His eyes seem to smile at Destiny. If she had eyes in the back of her head, he wouldn't need to be here now. Which... would mean he'd be back where he wanted to be at this point, but it hadn't been too unpleasant for the first day so far. And at least it kept him out of Toby's hair.

Chewing another french fry, he glances at his watch. "Guess after this, we'll head back to the house and get the groceries put away. Then we'll go back to base and see what's happening so we can load up anything else we need to bring back to the house... unless you need to make any other stops."

Leo glances over his shoulder to see Cassy disappear, and shakes his head a little before continuing to paint. A few more minutes and he'd take a break. Then he should be able to finish up in no time...

"So I wound up so far down on the list that now I'm running lights." Leo steps lightly beside Cassy, stopping and letting her twirl out to his fingertips then back again as he danced with her. After he'd finished outside, as promised, he had changed shoes and was helping her practice. He wasn't quite as limber in his jeans, but it was good enough.

He rolls his eyes a little at his own news. "Which means for the next four weeks, I get to help with props and wiring instead of practices. I'm thinking maybe they like me there better... and maybe I need to just be satisfied with knowing I was in a few productions once upon a time and leave it at that."

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