

Scott's eyes lower to the ground as Sapphire mentions them as kids. Yeah, she'd been the picky one. Sometimes she'd sneak him the food she didn't like and he would eat it so she wouldn't get into trouble. There had been a bond there when they'd been kids. What had happened?

Scott can feel emotions rising within him and he swallows the lump in his throat. Taking another sip of pop, he listens as she mentions Hope. She was under the weather? Having trips to the infirmary? That wasn't like her. She needed to not be working at all and taking care of herself, and... His thoughts drift off. Who was he to tell her what to do now?

His shoulders slouch a little. "Yeah." His voice had grown quiet again. "She and I... I mean, I..." He shakes his head and takes another bite of jerky. "I haven't seen her in a while," he admits. "I... told her not to come... anymore."

He shrugs lamely. "I was mad at her, ya know? For bringing me here and... and I guess I got tired of her seeing me like this and... I don't know. I just... wound up telling her to stay away. I don't even know if we're even... together... anymore."

Sighing, Scott sets aside his pop and bag of goodies, his nervousness returning. "I...I don't know what to do anymore. It all feels... pointless."

Hearing an apology from Ryan too, Leo lifts an eyebrow a little bit. His wounds were still sore but... having her say she was sorry too, helped them heal just a little more.

The questions about Cassy make him grin and he shakes his head. "Yeah... yeah, she's nice. I've just been fixing up the place for her is all. We knew each other a few years back, see. But... most of the work is done so I probably won't see her as much. Though I've been helping her dance a little bit too."

Seeing that they were nearing the spot where his car is, he's glad and sad at the same time that the ride would be over soon.

"Well I'm sorry!" Alec throws up his arms as he paces the living room. "He started it."

Eli rolls his eyes and takes off his jacket and gloves. "That's what they all say. You really gotta learn to keep your mouth shut, you know that?"

"What, you think I'm happy about Leo taking off with her?"

"No one took off with anybody," Eli chides. "She gave him a ride. Settle down. You already got her so what's the problem?"

"I don't... I don't know." Alec glances out the window for the tenth time.

A grin spreads on Eli's face. "You're jealous."

"I am not."

"Are too. You're jealous and you think that Leo is suddenly going to have everything you do and Ryan will miraculously be taken by him and is gonna ride off into the sunset... er... sunrise with him and you'll never see her, or her chocolate cakes again."

Alec whirls around, a glare on his face. But as he goes for a retort, he suddenly realizes just how ridiculous it all sounded and his mouth hangs open for several moments. He really was being stupid. "Oh."

It really wasn't funny, but such a short response makes Eli laugh. In turn, Alec starts to laugh too and they both sink down in chairs in the living room, their laughter starting up all over again.

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