
Mike Reese?

Standing to walk Eli to the door her arms wrap around him returning the passionate kiss, thanking him for just being there for him. The night had turned crappy, but in the end it had become nice again just spending time with Eli at her home and getting to cuddle. She almost didn't want him to go, but she needed her own alone time now to think through everything and takes the quiet to start to repair and heal a few wounds that had been ripped open.

"Mmmm...Maybe we can do lunch tomorrow. The day after that I have to leave for a job I am doing out in Texas. Wont be gone but a few days, however a lunch with you would be a great thing to remember I get to come back to."

Taking another quick kiss Scarlet gives a wave to Eli as she leaves before closing the door behind her and heading back into the living room to flop down in front of the tv. She'd stay up a little while longer, do some reading and than head to bed.

Tossing the blanket over top of herself and just getting comfortable Scarlet goes to flip the channel only to jump at the knock at the door again. Giving a smirk she already new it had to be Eli, maybe he had forgot something or simply wanted another kiss.

Standing and going to the door she opens it about to say something smart but stops at the look in his eyes it sent chills down her spine. Doing as he directed she stepped into the house again retreating her leather jacket from the hook and throwing it on before heading back outside with Eli to there bikes.

Seeing the vandalism on Eli's bike Scarlet can feel a twist in her gut. This wasn't the best part of town, but she had never had a problem like this before.

"What on earth..."

Turning back to her own back she can see the words scratched in to her own paint, and over the new images Eli had just put on them. They were new, first seen by her eyes today and not they were runed.

Instintly Scarlet's arm goes around her stomach as she squats to the ground. She felt sick, she felt embarssed by the words scratched into the pain, she felt increadbly angry, her own eyes sparked at she looked up at Eli from the ground. She new how did this, she new who's handy work of hate had put this here.


Her voice was low an angry, something she hadn't felt in a long time, not fear but a pure anger. All the work Eli had put into this for her ruined, and his own bike it was destroyed because he was with her. A tear feel from her eye but a different kind, these ones were hot and heavy, she wanted to hit something, she wanted to kick anything to let this anger out but instead she swallowed it and just held it in as she clenched her fists.

"What a low down, dirty skum bag! You bike....its ruined. My bike...its...I can't even explain how angry I am right now."

Standing and taking the papers from the desk Hope gives a nod to Reese. She was thankful for his kindness, and his friendship. Hope new she would have many people behind her in this time, and she was thankful for that...leaning on God was easy and hard at the same time but she new with help from her friends and loved ones it would be ok.

"I'll make sure to keep you updated, and Rick will be kept updated as well. Just remember if you tell anyone else to let them know not to tell Scott. He doesn't need to think about this right now. He just needs to get better."

Turning and heading for the door Hope lets out a tired sigh. After talking with Rick she would see about getting some work done, if at least for an hour or so.

"Thanks again Reese."

Opening the door to leave Hope almost runs into a tall, blond haired woman She had never seen before. Trying the best smile she could as to not scary her off Hope moves a little to the side.

"Sorry about that."

Giving a sweet smile and looking back at Hope with her bright teal eyes the woman nods a little moving out of Hope's way. Her voice was soft, but strong at the same time.

"Not a problem. You wouldn't be able to tell me if this is Mike Reese's office would you? I've seemed to got myself turned around a little."

Giving a nod and moving out of the door Hope continues to hold her smile the best she can.

"Yes your in the right place. He's right in his office now."

"Ok thank you!"

Once Hope was gone the woman turns back to the office door and lets out a slow quivering sigh. This was it, she could do this, she had to do this her own life depending on it.

Giving a knock on the door it opens slightly, not sure if she should walk in or not she pokes her head in the door to see Reese at his desk or who she thought was Reese she didn't really know what he looked like.

"Hello...excuse me. Sorry I don't mean to barge in, or many I do because I am that desperate but my name is Destiny Rose and I was directed that the best place to come for a body guard, or protection from the Agency would be here. Are you...Mike Reese?"

It was easy to see the woman was strong, but at the same time here eyes were pleeding. She was serous about what she had said she did need protection. She new all to well who the Agency was and it was for that reason they were after her.

Coming up the walk way slowly Beth was back from her short break. She had needed air about twenty minutes ago as the Dr's had to calm her sister down. Today was not a good day for her. On days like this it seemed like her nightmares, and fits were getting worse and what triggered them no one new. Beth could only guess herself it was when her brain got to tired of blocking everything and for a few while it just let the memories back full force.

Arriving at the bench where Justin sat it took Beth a few moments to realize it was him. He looked stressed out, but more normal today than the first to days she had met him. Trying to give the best smile she can Beth steps a little closer to the bench. It wasnt every day she talked to someone but the last few times she had been here even if it was strange so had Justin it was almost normal to say hi and be semi friendly with him.

"Wow Justin for a second I didn't even realize it was you. You look human today!"

Beth's voice had a bit of a sarcastic tone despite her mood, a bit of teasing as well.

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