
Long time ago

Seeing the look in Eli's eyes Jimmy new just from that how much he couldn't stand Roth and how worried he was that Scarlet would be ok. Thinking for a long moment before next setting a beer down on the table for Eli new the story would be long and this might be the only thing to keep him in his seat.

Letting out a sigh Jimmy gives it one more thought about it. Something told him Scarlet would not be upset and might actually feel a little revealed that he had told him knowing she hated telling the story herself. Than if Eli really did care about her he would stick around though Jimmy couldn't help but wonder.

"A long time ago, Roth use to be much different than he is now believe it or not. He use to be kind, gentile and loving. Back than he and Scarlet dated and thats when I first met her. On there first date he brought her home to meet the family."

Looking Eli in the eye Jimmy gives a small nod that Eli had heard him right on his last comment.

"Roth is my son, and he and Scarlet were in love so much. She was such a nice, his mother and I loved having her around the house and she never hesitated to help us if we needed it. We thought for sure one day they would marry."

Letting out a long sigh and turning to pick up some empty glass Jimmy runs a rag through them collecting his thoughts. It was easy to see that this story even pained him to tell.

"About two years after Scarlet and Roth started dating his mother passed away. Her and Roth were very close and it hit him hard. We thought he would bounce back and be ok but he never did. So many things turned wrong, and he slipped farther and farther away from the boy we raised till soon we didnt even know who he was anymore."

Setting the glasses down Jimmy pulls out his own beer and sets it on the counter in the empty spot next to Eli. Walking to the end of the bar and lifting the divider Jimmy steps out and comes back over to where Eli is sitting down on the empty stool. Holding the bottle he doesn't take a sip yet.

"Scarlet stayed with Roth even though he on more than one occasion hit her, and abused her mentally. She still often came to check on me and see how I was doing. When I'd see a new bruise or cut I'd tell her why...why was she staying with my son when she new this was wrong. She would always tell me she new the Roth she had fallen in love with was inside of him still somewhere, and she just needed to wait out the bad."

Finally bringing the beer to his lips Jimmy takes a sip swishing the liquid in his mouth before letting it slide down his throat. Collecting his thoughts before he continued.

"After a bad night, Roth came home to find Scarlet asleep without cooking him dinner. He dragged her out of bed that night and into the kitchen not caring what damage he did along the way. That night ended with a lot of cuts to the face. The scars can hardly be seen if your not looking on her face, along with many you cant see else where. Her nose broken in three places if looking close enough you can see its slightly crooked as a resalt."

Jimmy takes another sip. It was hard to think of his son like this, his boy going from being so sweet to something like this. But her new also it was his own choose and his actions were his own.

"It was that night I took Scarlet battered and blood to the hospital and put a report in on my son for abuse. That night I talked some sense into Scarlet and told her to get out before he killed him. She finally listened to me...and moved. Roth spent a year and a half in jail we hoped when he got out he would have changed though I know Scarlet would never go back to him. But he didn't...jail made his worse."

Looking down at his bottle Jimmy picks at the lable. It would be close to closing time soon here and he didn't mind drinking a cold one knowing not many more people would be in. It helped calm his own nerved and keep him calm from just thinking about what his son had done to Scarlet.

"Since that day I've looked out for Scarlet and kept her close like my own. Her job takes her all over so she can keep her mind busy. Not staying in one place to long but always coming home. I watched her grow hard and tough on the outside keeping people at bay. The boyfriends she has tried to have never worked out and she was smart enough to get out before they got back. And it only made her tougher, but on the inside she had a soft spot that still wants love, and to feel the protection."

Enjoying the last sip of the beer Jimmy looks to Eli as his eyes study the younger man in front of him. Scarlet had been so excited to tell Jimmy about Eli there was something in him she saw, there was what she was looking for in him. He'd penetrated the walls.

"Not many if anything scares that woman, but Roth is a whole new ball game. He puts fear into her eyes. Tonight he must have over heard her talking to me about you. It didnt sit with him well as he still thinks Scarlet should be with him. Her grabbed her, said a few nasty things and than I grabbed him making sure he let her go. Than I told her to leave, and I told Roth to get lost. He's my son but I don't tolerate his behavior."

Continuing to study Eli Jimmy wonders what will happen next and what Eli will do. Be who Scarlet though he was, or walk away forever. Jimmy hoped it would be the first so he could see more smiles on her much deserved face.

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