

Justin chuckles softly. "Mmm, I'm thinking it'll be a memory game tomorrow. Unless my radar changes my mind, then it might be water balloons. Though basketball might do just as well."

Swinging his head around to look at Beth, he shakes it, no. "Just a counselor of sorts nobody else wants. Was headed to get my doctorate but... well, things got in the way. I'm just here for a special case. They see traditional methods don't work, then when I do something non-traditional, they don't like it. But I do what I can. It's all I got right now." He shrugs. "It's the system I don't like, not the people who need help."

Cocking his head a little, he could see the pain behind Beth's fearless eyes. Perhaps her day hadn't been so pleasant either. But she was here... again, showing faithfulness to whoever it was she was visiting.

Justin's voice turns a little gentler as he nods to the main patient facility. "Family or friend?"

"Yeah, don't worry." Eli tucks a wisp of hair behind Scarlet's ear. "I'll watch myself. I won't do anything stupid either."

Leaning down, he gives her forehead a kiss. "See you tomorrow. Lock your doors... and if anything happens, call me."

Turning back around, he once more makes his way down to his bike, his glare now hidden from view. Mounting up, his engine revs and he takes one last look at Roth's handiwork. It made him sick. After pulling on his helmet and giving a wave to Scarlet, he takes off to head across town. This was far from over.

Reese listens intently, still battling with his instincts as to whether or not this young woman was telling the truth. If she wasn't, she was either very good or very poor at being part of the Agency. If she was, then she had just been through a trauma no one ever should be. Reese immediately thought of Carson, and was glad that if this was the truth, that Destiny had not been immediately recruited.

He leans back in his chair a little, his finger having already turned on the security cameras so he knew that if anything went down, whoever was in the monitor room would see. Putting his palms together he taps his lips with his fingers absentmindedly. Did he trust her? Did he not?

"May I see the folder?" he requests. After retrieving it, he hits a button on the phone. "Alec, would you please come to my office?"

"Aw, I just got sat down. Can it wait?"



"Alec! Now." Reese ends the intercom call and looks back to Destiny. Whether he trusted her or not, it would be best to offer his help anyway and play it cool. "I'm very sorry for your loss, Destiny. I'm sure that must have been quite a shock to you."

Alec barges through the door, half a sandwich in hand as he chews. "What?" Realizing there was someone else in the room, he stops short. "Oh."

Reese sighs in annoyance. "Please come look at this file." He holds up the folder.

Clueless, Alec shrugs. That's all he did around here - look at information, give information and separate information. He'd learned not to ask questions. If he cooperated, Reese usually let him in on whatever it was anyway.

Taking another bite of his sandwich, he strolls over and takes the folder, leaning up against a filing cabinet as he begins to sift through the pages.

Reese resumes his interaction with Destiny. "If the Agency is after you, then you came to the right place. That's why we're here." The wheels in his mind were already turning. What would this young woman need if this were the truth? She'd mentioned a bodyguard. They didn't have anywhere she could stay. But Reese didn't have anyone he wanted to commit to a bodyguard job right now either. He had everyone pretty busy right now and couldn't spare anyone. Laura was gone, Scott was gone, Carson was only part time, and even Hope was not going to be around as much. What else could he do?

"Whoa." His mouth half full, Alec takes out one of the papers in the folder, interrupting the ongoing conversation behind him. "This is heavy stuff."

Reese turns in his chair. "What is?"

"Where'd you get this?"

"Destiny here. She says her father was part of the Agency and they killed him a week ago for wanting out."

Alec's eyebrows raise and he swallows his food. "I would too. If this stuff was his, he knew way too much to be let loose."

"So it's real then."

"As real as it gets."

"Stuff they wouldn't want us to have?"

Alec scoffs. "You kidding me? They don't want us to know how many bathrooms they have, let alone the stuff that's in here." He realizes now why Reese had asked him to look at it. "It's legit."

Reese turns back to Destiny, his gaze still full of concern, but he believed her story now. "I hope you're not offended," he mentions. "We've been tricked too many times to not double-check everything and everyone that comes through here now." Leaning forward on his desk, he studies her for several more moments. "It's obvious that you're not safe alone, and I want to help. But I'll be honest - I'm not sure how best I can help right now. Would you be willing to stay here for a couple days? That will give me time to find someone who might be able to watch your back for a while, and you'll be safe here. If you need to get anything from your apartment, I can have someone take you and bring you back."

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