

Once inside with the other Ryan follows her brothers lead and starts to sand down one side of the car. She'd never been no to make the cars look nice she only made them run. So when her brother said it didn't have to be prefect she was happy for that.

Looking up every now and than to watch the other two Ryan kept herself ready to pounce if need be. The last thing she wanted was one of them to leave a bloody mess. Seeing they were ok though Ryan throws a look at her brother and than goes back to work.

"Eli...what are you painting on this thing anyways? Keep in the dark to much and we wont know what we are helping with and it come out like a mush of stuff."

Glancing over at the pain though she had no idea what would be on the car Ryan new it had to be good with all the colors he had. She couldn't help but let her own mind run away with her at the possibilitys.

"Alec can you throw me one of those extra rags to whip this dust off."

Giving a nod into Carson's chest Misty's eyes grow tired and start to close even though the movie was still playing on. Carson was to comfortable not to fall asleep on top of him.

"Yeah I'll go see her. I've been wanting to bring some books I promised she could barrow anyways. So it will be good killing two birds with one stone."

One last squeeze to Carson as a hug and Misty's arms stay around him but go slightly limp proving the tiredness had taken over finally and she was dead to the world.

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