

Chance quirks an eyebrow, staring at the bowls of candy and watching Destiny pop one in her mouth. "Alright... sounds fair."

Taking one for himself, he puts it in his mouth and immediately cringes and puckers. "Holy cow." He has to stifle his laugh, lest he spit out the candy right then and there. "Is now the time to admit I've never even had these?"

Carson folds his arms and looks at Misty skeptically. "You know all that... just from what he said?" Shaking his head, he finally laughs. "Women. You all have invisible radar. Here." He hands her a pitcher of pop. "Make your arms useful along with that antenna sticking out of your noggin."

Arriving at the table and being shot with a straw wrapper, Kyle's eyes go wide and his jaw drops as he stares at Alice. "Why you little...." A new glint comes to his eyes and as he comes nearer, it was obvious that he was not aiming for just a straw of his own.

Pulling her chair from the table, he grabs hold of her and slings her up and over his shoulder, spinning her around. "How do you like that, huh? Shooting wrappers at an unarmed man?!"

Down the table a ways, Jen giggles at the sight of her brother and Alice. Though it was funny, she could see that they were more than just casual daters. It had been a long time since Jen had seen that look in Kyle's eye.

Jason ducks a flying napkin as he sees Kyle and Alice.

Hey... I think he's on to something there...

Without warning, he dives for Katie. Throwing her up and over his shoulder, he joins Kyle for a march around the chaotic tables.

Somewhere down at one end of a table, a belch seems loud enough it should have rattled the plates and glasses. Joel and Kip stare at each other, somehow having ended up across from each other. Joel's eyes squint and for a moment before suddenly a new belch erupts.

Kip quirks an eyebrow. "I think we were even."

"I guess we'll have to do it again."

Axel is nearby and he just shakes his head, his arms still back behind Jess. A grin was on his lips though. He might not join in most of the crazies, but it didn't mean he wasn't enjoying watching all his friends have fun.

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