

Eli sighs and turns back around to Scarlet's bike. "Yeah... I should probably finish out the day." He gives her shoulders an extra little squeeze, showing he wished he didn't have to work any more today. Then an idea occurs to him.

"How about meeting up for a drink at Jimmy's tonight? I could be there by eight and... you could let me know how your bike's doing after you've taken it out for a spin to show off it's new look."

He grins down at Scarlet, his eyes twinkling. "And... I can show off the fact that you're mine."

Turning a little as Dalton stands, Justin can't help but look up at him for a moment... way up. He could see Dalton was a big man but had had no idea how tall he was. It was probably just as well he was leaving now instead of irritating this man further. He had more questions but... they would wait.

Nodding his farewell, Justin exits the office. Looking both ways, he flips through his folder again, finding another set of names. Glancing down the row of doors, he isn't sure where he's going, but he follows his instincts and sure enough, he makes it to the infirmary where the door was open.

"Ouch!" Alec glares at Rick as the cut on his hand is cleaned. "No, it was a piece of metal I was helping Hal move. It slipped and... yeah." He grimaces. "Stitches?"

"Nah." Rick pokes and prods without much mercy before going for the gauze and tape. "I'm getting tired of bandaging you up though."

"Hey, the dog wasn't my fault, and neither was this."

Rick gives him a little smirk. "I'm beginning to think you're accident prone."

"What?!" Alec resumes his glare, only to find that Rick is trying not to smile. "Oh, you think you're so funny."

"Yeah, well... best place to get you is in the ego." Rick tears off the end of the tape, leaving a neat bandage on Alec's hand. "Good as new. Now please... stay out of trouble."

Alec turns from the counter. "Sure. Maybe if I could get out of here once in a while I wouldn't keep getting-" His voice trails off as he suddenly notices the stranger in the doorway. "What the..." His eyes widen a little at the man who was blue... green... red?

Justin gives a nod at the faces looking back at him. "Hello. Sorry to interrupt."

Rick blinks and takes a moment to find his voice. "Uh, no... it's fine. Can we... uh, help you?"

"I hope so."

Alec chokes on a snicker. "Showers are down the hall."

Justin looks Alec in the eye, not cracking a smile. "Thank you. You must be Alec."

Alec folds his arms, now on guard. "And you are?"

"Justin. Here to see Rick and Misty... but I need to see you afterward, so don't wander off too far, okay?"

"You kidding me? I don't have to listen to some crazy guy who fell under a shelf of open paint cans."

"I'm a counselor... Alec." Justin remains calm and cool. "I'd like to talk to you about Scott Johnson when I'm finished here. So please. I'm asking you to stick around."

For Scott? Alec retracts a little, rethinking his next move. This guy was from Brookshire? He looked like a loony himself. But... if this was about Scott... "Okay. I'll be in the break room."

"Thank you." Justin steps to the side, letting Alec pass before looking to Rick. "I apologize for the intrusion. I've been working with Scott for the last couple days and I came here to get a better picture of his world."

Rick had to admit he was impressed someone had actually come all the way out here for information like that, instead of just sticking to paperwork and reports from the other doctors. Not to mention, it appeared Justin already had Alec pegged. "What happened to Dr. Hawks?"

"Scott wasn't... responding well. And him refusing to see Hope as well... I was called in."

"He's refusing to see Hope?"

Justin steps a little closer, his eyes shifting to the woman nearby. "Misty, I presume. May I have a few moments of both your time?"

Rick looks to Misty, then back to Justin. "Can I get you anything first? Uh... clean... clothes?"

Justin finally smiles and shakes his head. "Had a little war game this morning and haven't had time to change. As long as you don't mind, I don't."

"No, no." Rick glances at Misty once more, giving a little shrug, then he gestures Justin to the table on the wall. "Let's sit."

Once settled with Rick and Misty, Justin opens his file folder and retrieves his notepad. "I wanted to talk to you two about Scott's medical condition. Things I might need to watch for. Dr. Hawks believes he has a eating disorder and I wanted to get clarification on that as well."

Scott sits on his bed, his knees pulled up to his chest with his arms around his legs. His hair was still wet from his shower and he felt a little refreshed but tired and sore. Things with Justin were different. He said things differently than other people. He didn't poke or prod, yet still made Scott think.

A part of Scott was empty though... lonely. His eyes go to the window and he wonders if Hope had come today like she always had. It was strange not seeing her every day. But... he couldn't see her... not yet. He just didn't feel... ready.

Sinking down onto his pillow, Scott pulls the blanket up over himself. "Are you giving it your best shot?"

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